Monday, May 2, 2016

Underwear Wars

When I called Mom to remind her to take her morning meds I apparently interrupted a discussion about underwear. Dad answered and I could hear her in the background saying he had to tell me something, but couldn't make out what the something was. When she got on the phone she said I needed to tell Dad he needed to wear one pair of underwear a day. She said he had 14 pairs, including some brand new ones, but she had to wash his underwear by hand every evening. It didn't make any sense to me since she was the one choosing to wash the underwear he had worn that day instead of just leaving it in the dirty laundry. I let her vent her frustrations; I could not think of a workable solution. If I told her to stop washing the pair every night it would upset her routine; and I have found any suggestion that will upset her routine makes her very agitated. In these cases I tend to just be neutral in my statements and hope that she will forget about it in a short while. I'm sure Dad gets an earful every night when she thinks about it.

Soup du jour: creamy butternut squash.

I think I am starting to heal up. There is even less swelling today, with much less pain, but I am very tired. Which I am taking as a sign that my body is hard at work, regrowing new bone into the matrix Dr. Gold put in and my gums are patching themselves up. Glad my caloric intake is almost up to normal, same for the protein intake; both thanks to the egg salad from Anne! (And it even helped me sleep better last night since I was not awakened by hunger in the middle of the night.)

My purple irises are in full bloom! I spotted the pale yellow ones but they're not visible in the photo since they are shorter than the top rail of the fence so are hidden by the foliage of the purple one. My other irises are on the other side of the house where I can't see them easily from inside so I don't know how they are doing. I am guessing they are not blooming yet since, they are in a shadier area. Bearded irises generally need a winter dormancy period to bloom, but I have heard that there are now types called reblooming irises that do not need a dormancy period so I might be able to grow them in Hawai'i. I shall have to research this further since Mom likes the color purple and once an iris bed is established I have found them to be fairly low maintenance.

Momo is apparently getting to know that the combination of the phone ringing and Mom's pill case rattling means he will be getting a treat! I called this evening to remind Mom to take her evening pills. When we moved on to her giving Momo his pill she said he had already started coming in to the kitchen without her calling him. He followed her to the center of the room and waited for her to return with his pill! I am glad he is being so helpful.

Happy Birthday to Bobbye!

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