Friday, May 27, 2016

What's That Sound?

Every other Wednesday I help Mom call her sister Daisy, who lives in Chicago; she also has dementia. While I am on Mom's land line, I talk her through dialing Aunty Daisy's number on the cell phone. (She can't remember how to use the cell phone.) They both enjoy the phone contact. But this week Mom said her cell phone was not in her purse; she asked me to call it so she could find it by listening for the ringing. I called her cell phone 10 times but she did not answer, so I called the land line to find out if she was close to finding it. She said she heard it and wanted me to continue calling. So I tried 15 more times with no luck. Later I texted Curt to ask him to help her find it on the weekend. He texted me today, he found it! Mom's cell phone was in his car; I'm not sure what it was that she insisted she was hearing on Wednesday!

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