Monday, October 3, 2016


I took Dad to the doctor today. His left eye was red and goopy again; the right eye was a little goopy but not as red. The diagnosis is ectropion in both eyes. The doctor recommended warm compresses, Refresh PM ointment in the evening, and Refresh eye drops in the morning. Other than that his eyes are doing great: 20/20 vision, no glaucoma, and no cataracts. Pretty good for a 92 year old!

Mom was feeling much better this morning and her blood pressure was back down to normal. I took her in for her blood draw; we have not heard back from the oncologist's office. But this evening she was feeling tired and dizzy. Her blood pressure was normal so I suspect it is from not having enough red blood cells to move the oxygen around. Hopefully they will call tomorrow and schedule a transfusion for later this week.

Here's a cute kitty picture for you to enjoy.

Happy Birthday to Julie, Michele, and DT!

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