Thursday, January 12, 2017

Look, Mom, No Mess!

There is a bunch of stuff at the end of the counter. Its Mom & Dad's snacks and assorted papers. Every day, usually several times a day, Mom goes through the pile to see what there is to eat, spreading it all across the counter; usually an hour or so after a meal. And almost every day she would ask me who gave her what; I put notes on each item, so now she just reads the notes & smiles.
Lots of stuff here.

While picking up the pipe insulation yesterday, I also got a stacking shelf. Things don't spread out as much any more. But I could still consolidate it more; I'll be working on that. One apparent unintended consequence is that Mom didn't leave things as spread out today; hopefully this will become the norm.
Reorganized stuff, version 1.0.

Mom loves the cats. All of them. But most of the time only 2 of them sleep on the bed with her. When I first arrived, Chibi would sleep on the floor by the bed at night. A few months ago she began sleeping on the green bean bag chair. This afternoon, Chibi decided to sleep on the boxes in Mom's room. (Mom slept a lot today, she was feeling dizzier than she has been.) Here's everyone taking a cat nap...
L to R: Shiro, Mom, Xander, & Chibi.

Later, Mom & Chibi had a little talk about where she was sleeping.

Got great news from Sarah early this morning. She & Kaia will be here for a visit in February! Mom & Dad are looking forward to it. I haven't heard yet whether David will also be here, but Kai won't be able to make it this time.

Happy Birthday to Samuel!

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