Saturday, June 10, 2017

Another Momo Siting!

I forgot to mention that yesterday I saw an orange cat run across the street about 2 blocks from the house. Since I was taking Shiro & Xander to the vet I couldn't stop and see if it really was Momo but it sure looked like it could be him from a block away. So today I printed up a bunch more flyers and took them to the houses on the block the orange cat came from and the block it ran to. I had a great conversation with Randy, the guy whose house the orange cat ran under. Randy only has a dog, but likes cats. He works for the parks department and said there are a bunch of cats around the Kapaolono Park which is a few blocks up the road from us. He said there is a woman living across the street from the park that feeds the cats; I'll have to check that out. All total now, I have handed out about 230 Momo flyers.
Momo in December 2007.

Curtis came by this evening to help Dad with his shower but Dad said he was too cold. Curtis will come by earlier tomorrow when it is warmer.

Curtis also brought over the 4 cup coffee maker that he used at work. It needed a good cleaning. I started by running vinegar through it, followed by plain water. But some of the parts still had a film of coffee on it, so I got out the ammonia to cut through the oil. It now looks a lot better, the coffee probably tastes different than the last cup Curtis brewed in it!

Since I had the ammonia out, I decided to clean up the stove, too. It also looks a lot better! While I was at it I also cleaned up the whistling tea kettle. I really like how easy ammonia makes cleaning up greasy things!

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