Sunday, October 15, 2017

Pepper Wanders Around the House

I let Pepper out this morning as I cleaned the bathroom she is staying in. She wandered around the house meowing, looking for something or someone. None of the other cats were anywhere near her; I think they learned from last night that she is a little grumpy about meeting new friends. Chibi was under the bed, one of her normal hideouts when she can't get in to Dad's bedroom. (He had the door closed because its been very windy today.) Xander was hiding under there with Chibi, not his normal place. Shiro was on the chair in the dining room, one of several places he sleeps during the day. Pepper lay down in the other bathroom for a little while, then she started wandering around meowing again. I put her back in her bathroom when I got ready to make lunch for Dad.
Chibi & Xander hiding under the bed.
Shiro sleeping on his favorite dining room chair.
Pepper hanging out in the main bathroom.

I picked up a new-to-me blender today. I have an account on Freecycle, I get notices whenever someone posts something in the geographic areas that I have indicated; I started it in Washington but am now on it here. Shannon had posted an "Offer" of an Oster Versa blender base, the jar had a crack in it; here at the house we have 2 jars and no base! Sounded perfect! So I took our 2 jars over to her place to check if they fit. They didn't. :( But Shannon still had the jar, which is plastic, and gave it to me; I think I can fix the crack, it doesn't look that bad. It will be great for making smoothies for Dad! I gave Shannon some oranges from our tree, she appreciated them.
It has a pre-programmed function to make smoothies!

On the way back I stopped at Kokua Market to pick up more bananas for Dad. He had eaten all the ripe ones and the green ones I picked up earlier are no where near ripe enough to eat. (I also picked up some bananas on "special", they're just right for banana bread!) While there I checked out what other food Dad might like to eat. I found yuba noodles; he had them tonight and liked them! I also got some lamb stew, which he has had before and enjoyed very much.
The photo on the packaging looks much more noodle-y than the actual product. But the taste is still good.

Happy Birthday to cousin Michael! Happy Birthday also to JoAnn!

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