Monday, April 2, 2018

Dad Gets Another PICC Line

Since Dad wasn't able to get a new PICC line inserted yesterday, we had to go in today to have that done. I got to Maunalani at 8:30 to get Dad ready to go by the time Johnny from JCRG Transervices arrived at 9. Dad was picking at his breakfast, I got him to finish off all of his Boost Breeze, but that was about it. CNAs Aladin & Jose helped get Dad from the wheelchair to the transport gurney and Johnny loaded him up. I rode to Kaiser in the van with Dad.
Johnny wheels Dad in to the transport van.

Nurse Rachel from the Ambulatory Treatment Center (ATC) was the one doing the insertion today. But we also saw Nurses Michele & Susan who were there at the ATC when Mom got her transfusions. After she had inserted the PICC line, she had the mobile x-ray unit take an x-ray to verify that the PICC line was properly inserted; we were able to leave about an hour later after she got the notification that it was in the right place. Hopefully Dad will leave it alone for the remainder of the time he needs the intravenous antibiotics.
Nurse Rachel does an ultrasound to check the veins in Dad's arm.

We returned to Maunalani just before lunch, Aladin brought Dad's lunch which was a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, peanut butter bar, & soup; I also asked for his Boost Breeze. Although he said he wanted to eat the sandwich he fell asleep before he ate anything.

Julia, the new occupational therapist, arrived while he was asleep. I answered her questions about how Dad was before he arrived and what our goals were for him. We woke him up so she could assess his current level of fitness. We also talked about other daily activities we could encourage Dad to do to increase his upper body and core strength.

In the meanwhile, the storm that made Curtis turn back arrived here. It was pouring and the wind was really blowing the tree around! There was so much rain we couldn't even see Kahala Mall and Waialae Avenue which are at the foot of the hill. As I write this, the storm is over Maui and there is a flash flood warning there.
The view looking out the window during the rain storm.

Lynn sent me some photos from the 2011 presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal collectively to the members of the 100th Infantry Battalion, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and the Military Intelligence Service who served during World War II; the medal was belatedly given to them. There was a ceremony in Washington, DC, as well as one in Honolulu for the members that could no longer easily travel great distances.
Dad at the Honolulu ceremony. (Photo by Lynn)

Last Friday, just after we checked Dad back in to Maunalani, I got a text from Patrick from the Hawai'i Wildlife Center asking if I had another carrier they could borrow for a bird that needed to be transported. I did and said I could meet up with the person transporting the bird, I called her & left a message; she never responded so I let Patrick know. This evening I got another text from Patrick; there is another bird that needs transport and I will be able to do it tomorrow after Curtis & I have breakfast.

Happy Birthday to Monikka!

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