Sunday, February 28, 2016

Catie's Critters, Part 2

Happy Birthday to David, Winnie, Peggy, and Roger! Since it's my blog I decided I can do whatever I want. So I decided I would include Happy Birthday wishes to family and friends, even though they might not read this on their birthday. Or ever. I just like to acknowledge their existence to the Universe.

Mom and Dad are on their way to Las Vegas with Curt. They love going there and make a couple trips a year. This means for the next week, while they are with my brother, I won't have to call 3 times a day to remind Mom to take her medication.

Besides the cats and dogs, of all Catie's critters, the bearded dragon is the most interactive. At least during live meal times (it also eats vegetables). One thing I noticed is that these roaches are not that fast. They also don't seem to have the Hawai'i roaches survival instinct. Here's Lela checking out breakfast and some of Catie's other critters.
What's for breakfast?
A roach! Yum!
Roaches for Lela
Rats want to come out & play!
Betta & neon tetras
Corn snake (droppings only)
Cake wants breakfast!
Stella getting ready for a nap


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