Sunday, September 17, 2017

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I was reading the paper this morning and came across this. It's an advertisement for the Hawai'i Seniors' Fair: The Good Life Expo; it's coming up this weekend. I included the dime in the photo for scale; notice the size of the font. For general accessibility, font size should be no smaller than 12 point; if your audience is seniors, the font size should be larger. The list of exhibitors was probably 6 point font, about the size of the date on the dime! About the only thing that was easily readable was "MARK YOUR CALENDAR".

This morning I tried the Ripple pea milk; it tastes sort of like soy milk but its a little bit sweeter. It's got 8 g of protein per 8 ounces, the same as whole cow's milk. Soy milk has 7 g, almond milk only has 2 g. So I guess my options are either soy milk or pea milk for my morning pre-walk protein drink.

Today I picked up a bottle of Mooala Bananamilk from Kokua; I am hoping Dad likes it so we can get more potassium into his diet, its got 3,500 mg of potassium per 8 ounces. By comparison whole cow's milk has 400 mg, Ripple pea milk has 540 mg, and soy milk has about 350 mg. I was also hoping that I could also use it as my morning protein source but it has only 2 g protein.

I have no idea why its called Mooala or why its logo is a koala with Holstein markings. Its not from Australia, its from Texas. The bottle doesn't give a hint either.

I picked some oranges after my morning walk. The tree is loaded; on Wednesday I will be taking some of them to Curtis' house. And also giving some to Ron who will be arriving here tomorrow. He'll be joining us for breakfast on Wednesday. There are more oranges on the other side of the tree but its difficult to take a good photo from that side. The regular watering has greatly increased the productivity of the tree. After it is done fruiting I need to do a little pruning.

I checked the strawberries this morning. They are struggling with the heat; its been about mid to upper 80's for the past few weeks. I know they're getting regular watering since I have them on a drip irrigation system on a timer, so its the heat that's affecting them.

We're having a problem with ants again. I think they're coming in for water and while they're here they look for any food. And there are a bunch that are coming out from under the shower pan in the guest bathroom. I've put out Terro Ant Baits to get rid of them. But like other bait-type things, you first have to attract the critter to the bait in order to deliver the lethal element. In this case the lethal component is borax. The foraging ants will take the borax-laced liquid back to the nest and spread it throughout the colony by feeding it to them. (That's what ants do.)
The bunch of ants to the left are at the entrance to a colony under the guest bathroom shower pan.

Happy Birthday to Jim!

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