Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Bumper Cars

I am parking the Subaru in the space that the Bronco was previously parked in. The new Subaru appears to be a little wider than the old Bronco. So in order to keep enough walking room between the Subaru and RAV4, I have to park closer to the stuff that Mom & Dad have stored against the garage wall. Which includes a metal shelving unit right at where the doors open.

So I decided to get some of that spongy pipe insulation that comes in 3 foot lengths with a slit along one side and put it around the edges of the shelf. (We used it along the edges of framed artwork to protect the frames when we were transporting them for shows.) As I walked in to City Mill to pick up some pipe insulation, I realized the real use of pipe insulation is to insulate pipes ... against freezing... Guess what! They have pipe insulation in Hawai'i! But it comes in 6 foot long sections. Another repair done!

I also fixed Mom's clothes pin bag today. Like the bag for the laundry cart, it, too, was falling apart.

I used the same mint dental floss to repair the clothes pin bag that I used on the laundry cart bag.

Happy Birthday to Steven!

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