Monday, January 9, 2017

Is That Really Coffee?

I don't drink coffee. But Mom & Dad do. I started making the coffee a couple months ago when I noticed Mom was making about 10 cups of coffee and would serve it over a few days. Without refrigerating it; for whatever reason she got upset when I put it in the refrigerator or asked her to put it in. (I would quietly throw it out late at night when I started to notice mold growing on the surface.) I also noticed her sometimes putting in the filter incorrectly so that grounds would end up in the carafe. On several occasions she would not seat the carafe properly so the filter would start to overflow. So I started making the coffee. At first I did it the way it said on the Folgers can. (Yes, surrounded by Kona coffee & other good coffees, they prefer Folgers.) Mom said it was too strong; then I remembered what Kai described her coffee as, "colored water". I cut the amount of grounds in half and she said it was perfect! Now my problem was that she was adding more water after I have already gotten everything prepped. So I added a sign that I held in place with the lid, which she would forget to take out before turning the coffee maker on! Now I put the sign on top; I think I've got all the bugs worked out of this now.

We went to Mom's weekly blood draw this morning. And ran in to the longest line I have ever seen at the lab. There were 5 people in line in front of me and 1 woman at the counter talking with the intake person. It seems that the lady at the counter usually comes with an interpreter. But it appears this time she was using an app on her phone to do the interpretation. FAIL. I think her app has a ways to go before it can handle medical jargon. (The lady ended up getting someone on the phone which was passed back & forth to complete the intake.)

Happy Birthday to Claire!

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