Sunday, October 23, 2022

Lazy Sunday

It was a lazy Sunday. I did very little except feed Kai. For breakfast he had the maple & brown sugar instant oatmeal again. Lunch was Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup. And dinner was by that famous Italian family, the Campbell's; he had Spaghetti-O's tonight.

I am not a fan of chicken noodle soup; reminds me of being sick.
They took all the O's from the alphabet soup!

The Roomba cleaned the east part of the house today. I'm fine with it skipping part of the house since it seems to get the skipped part on the following day or maybe 2 days later. It has not consistently skipped a room unless the door slams shut. Right now it is not doing the bathroom in its 1st morning run since I am keeping the door closed to keep the kittens confined until they are well socialized.

The Potential Most Favorite Roommate had to take a COVID self-test today for work. Since he was living in a household with someone who has COVID-19 & he had no symptoms, he had to test 5 days after his last exposure to see if he had caught it. He tested negative. Since Kai has been very good about isolating himself & then sanitizing everything he touches after he uses the bathroom, I think he is safe from catching it from Kai. If anything, I had the highest likelihood of being infected since I was in a car with Kai for about 30 minutes & he did not have a mask on since he forgot it. This was the day before he began feeling ill so he was unknowingly actively spewing virus particles; fortunately I had my mask on & kept it on since he had just gotten off of a 6-hour plane ride.

(Photo by The Potential Most Favorite Roommate)

Since I have not been able to get out to shop for supplies for Kai due to keeping myself in quarantine while I see whether I am an incubator, we are using household supplies. These throat lozenges are part of the household supply. Kai says the Mucinex throat lozenges have been more effective for him than the Hall's; he says at this point he throat is raw from coughing & the anesthetic in the Mucinex has been more effective in numbing his throat so he does not feel as much pain.

I finished in the top 10 for Duolingo this week. I have not been as on top of doing my lessons as I had been the previous weeks. Partly because of the surgery, partly because of packing books & cleaning up other things in the house, & partly because of taking care of Kai.

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