Saturday, August 17, 2024

IASA 2.1

Once again I have decided to change the numbering for the IASA posts. As I mentioned in an earlier post,  when he was taking me to the airport for the permanent move to Kohala, my brother Curtis asked me to text him a weekly "thumbs up" emoji to let him know I Am Still Alive. I told him that was boring, instead I would send him a photo of something significant that happened the previous week. 

Originally I started texting him a photo with a caption each week with a consecutive number. When I did the math I would end up sending him over 1,100 texts if I lived to be the same age as my mother! I initially revised the numbering system to include the year & the week with the title "IASA #3-1" denoting the 1st week of Year 3 of my permanent move. But it's sort of confusing to others. So the new notation beginning with the next IASA post will be IASA #2-29, denoting that I have been here in Kohala for 2 years and 29 weeks.

Now enjoy this sunrise seen out the kitchen window a couple days ago.

Thursday, 11 minutes after sunrise.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Billy & DeAndre!


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