Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Still Dizzy

Mom was dizzy again today. I couldn't really tell if she was less dizzy than she has been for the previous 2 days since she spent a lot of the time lying down. I gave her the meclizine so it might be helping. But, still hard to say if anything is helping. I talked to Dr Chan's nurse today; he is Mom's oncologist. With the current symptoms, he is not concerned. I just need to keep an eye on her and walk with her whenever she is moving around to stabilize her if she starts to list. Which means I could not run errands today while she slept, just in case she got up & needed to go to the bathroom.

I spent a bunch of time cleaning up Mom's collection of disposable containers and styrofoam trays. Amazingly, Mom was not upset by it. She actually started the clean up herself but could not stand up to finish it.

While I was cleaning up in the living room I found the book, Christmas in Scandinavia. It was about traditions and recipes from Scandinavian countries. I don't drink, but this recipe sounds like a bad idea. It would probably make you dizzy ...

Happy Birthday to Rosalinda!        

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