Wednesday, June 1, 2022

I Mis-wrote Yesterday

I had said that Kai & I were "isolating"; I should have said we were "quarantining". In Public Health these terms are different. "Isolation" is used for someone who has the disease; "quarantine" is used for someone who has been exposed to the disease but does not yet have the disease. Basically, quarantine is for a person who is in the incubation stage like Kai & I are. Here is a good infographic that explains this in relation to COVID-19.

Based on the infographic, you may be thinking that Kai & I are going overboard with the level of quarantining that we are doing. I am being overly cautious because nearly everyone I would come in to contact with is in the 60+ year old category that is more susceptible to a poor outcome with COVID-19. My nearest neighbor is in her late 70's & also has co-morbidities that could make it fatal for her & my cousin is 95 years old. So better for me to be overly cautious. In Kai's case, he is also being more cautious in order to limit potential transmission. His landlord/roommate is having a lot of potential buyers come through the house, that could then spread the disease if he should infect them. And his 30-something landlord/roommate has plans to go on a motorcycle trip shortly; he would not be happy if he had to cancel due to getting COVID!

The Hawaiʻi State Department of Health also has a Release Calculator. I put in my information & came out with a similar outcome of not needing to quarantine. But I am still going to do it.

I got up this morning when it would have been about 8 a.m. in Washington; it was about 5 a.m. here. When it was finally sunrise, the weather started out partly cloudy but dry, then quickly became warm & sunny; in the afternoon it started to drizzle but cleared up in the early evening. It was a beautiful sunset!

Fifty-six minutes before sunrise.
Seven minutes before sunrise.

Forty-one minutes after sunrise.
Light drizzle at 5:56 p.m.
Sunny sunset at 6:43 p.m.

One of the 1st things I noticed during cleaning this morning was that the Roomba had not started up at 6:45 like it is programmed to. I had noticed that it did not do that yesterday but assumed it was because it did not get the signal from my phone which was in Airplane Mode when it would have been 6:45 in Hawaiʻi. But thinking back on it now, that does not make sense because all during my trip it was starting at 6:45 Hawaiʻi time while my phone was working on Pacific time which is 3 hours ahead. This morning I discovered that the Roomba had not properly parked itself on the charging dock on Monday when it had finished cleaning so it was not charged enough to begin cleaning this morning; I repositioned it so it could start charging again. I hope being discharged for a day did not harm the battery. We shall see.

About half hour after after start time it's still snoozing on the base.
It wasn't snoozing, the battery was just dead.

Cleaned the contacts & it woke up.
And went in to charging mode.
About 90 minutes later it was ready to clean.
About 65 minutes after that it finished cleaning!
It cleaned everywhere today!

I spent today cleaning up the travel aftermath. Plus cleaning up the visitor aftermath that I did not clean up before I traveled. That's what I get for scheduling my visitors so close to my travel dates! Auē! But it was fun having a visitor & I did enjoy the traveling after not having traveled for over 2 years. I sucked it up & cleaned.

The guest bedroom in need of cleaning.

My suitcase had been on my bed since last night; I did a load of travel laundry to get it out of the way. I had taken a bunch of extra t-shirts that were cushioning the jars of jam so I had a lot of t-shirts in this load. Tomorrow I will do sheets & towels.

My bedroom in need of A LOT of cleaning!

I am switching my clothes from the dresser that was originally in the room to the dresser I brought with me. Thatʻs the one that Ken repaired for me. I thought I would switch the location of the 2 but discovered the newer dresser needs more space to open all the way since it has doors; so I am leaving them in place.

The original dresser.
The "new" dresser.

The fence is looking good; the piglets have not tried to break through the chicken wire. Because I am quarantining, I did not go to Sunshine Hardware today to pick up more chicken wire to baby pig proof the fence. I called & let Jessie know what was going on. She said about a week ago Sam was over & said he saw the baby pigs in the front yard! Auē! That means they have learned to get in from the front so I will have to baby pig proof all the rest of the fence line! Jessie also said that Masa built a pig trap & set it in her backyard a couple days ago; I saw it as I was checking for pig sign in the back yard.

This section does not have chicken wire along the bottom.
The pig trap in Jessie's back yard viewed from my bedroom window.

All the cats are no longer pregnant, but I have not seen any kittens yet. Neither did Trudy. Hahai's kittens would be about 6 weeks old, Olomea's kittens would be about 5 weeks old, Mom Cat's kittens would be about 4 & 1/2 weeks old, and Holoi's kittens would be about 4 weeks old. So may be not quite ready to be running around by themselves yet. I tried to get a hold of the other person we heard about that does TNR (trap neuter release) but all the vet clinics in this part of the island are closed for an extended Memorial Day holiday.

Mom Cat peeks out at the 10:19 a.m. feeding.
She decides it's safe to come & eat.
Three minutes later Holoi (L) & Hahai come to look for food.
Hahai comes to eat while Holoi stands guard at the end of the ramp.

I was supposed to restart my CSA share today; I pick it up at the Kohala Food HUB distribution center. I texted & emailed CSA Coordinator Maya yesterday & told her to donate my share to a family in need rather than having me come down & potentially infect others.

Earlier today Janice sent me a photo of the truck that usually parks in her spot (she does not have a car); I had asked her about it since it seemed to be a tight squeeze for the Subaru Outback when I parked there. But it looks like it is also tight for the truck. And the neighboring car is now parked so the driver's side door is next to the vacant spot on its other side. (It was originally front-in when I parked; later I saw the owner had backed in like it is in this photo.)  

The Potential Most Favorite Roommate sent me a photo of the ʻohiʻa ʻai seedlings that have sprouted from the seeds I gave him. Right now there are 5 sprouting; I think I gave him a dozen. More may still pop up.

Newly sprouted ʻohiʻa ʻai (mountain apple) seedlings.

As I mentioned earlier, the feral piglets are still getting in. I saw 5 of them late tonight, munching on the grass along the fence line. Even when I took their photos they were not scared off by the flash. I had to turn on the porch light & go outside before they left the yard. I canʻt wait to be out of quarantine so I can get more chicken wire to finish baby pig proofing the fence!

I wonder how much a paintball gun & night vision goggles cost? I could mark repeat offenders.

Statewide there were 8124 new cases of COVID-19 reported over the last week, increasing the total known cases to 282,619. There were 6 new COVID-19 related deaths; increasing the death toll to 1457. The 7-day new case average for the State was 1210; marking the 10th weekly increase in the weekly case average. Over the last week Hawaiʻi Island has had 966 new cases, increasing the total known cases to 31,343. 

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Leigh, Kendee, & Martin!

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