Monday, April 16, 2018

Dad Has Dinner

Dad only had 1/2 a Breeze at breakfast and nothing for lunch. For dinner he ate 1/3 of his beef stew, about 1/2 box of Boost Plus, and 2 or 3 spoonfuls of Magic Cup.

The papaya I picked the other day was nice and orange. I checked the other papayas on the plants; it looks like several more need to be picked before the bulbuls find out about them.
The papaya that I picked a couple days ago.
There are at least 4 papayas that need to be picked.

Even though there is 1 more hour left for my 250 steps per hour goal, I know I'm not going to make it. I missed the 250 during the 2'o'clock hour because Dad was doing his physical therapy; sort of. He was highly resistant so I was trying to help PT Supriya in getting him to do the PT. We were not successful. So tonight I will only be able to do 13 of 14 hours, so far I have 12 completed.

Happy Birthday to Eric, Pat, & Roxanne!

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