Sunday, February 4, 2018

Miscellaneous Clean Up

Today we cleaned up miscellaneous things. Since I decided to have Chris paint the inside of the cabinets we can't put things in to them. So while Kai unboxed Dad's old National Geographic magazines, I reorganized the bathroom closet. Kai moved on to reading the old National Geographic magazines while I used the FoodSaver to vacuum seal a bunch of leftovers for freezing. He finally got them organized by date as I moved on to vacuum sealing the brown rice. He returned to reading the old National Geographic magazines while I began putting away all the extra dishes from dessert night. When I gave him that task I realized he would end up being distracted by them; they are now on a bookshelf in the room that he will be in when he visits so he will be able to read them whenever he wishes.
Sucking the air out. The phone book under the bag raises it to be about level with the deck where all the action is.
Sealing the bag.
During dessert night, when I opened the refrigerator door to get the cold water out, Arlene was surprised by how full our refrigerator was when we were leaving in 2 days. I think she thought the bottom shelf was full of food; it's not, those are empty containers. Over the last couple of trips I have been having a problem with ants so I have been keeping the larger containers in the fridge until the last day so the ants won't be attracted; it works!
The bottom shelf is all trash!

Happy Birthday to Karen, Crilly, & Ben!

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