Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Kimo the Terminix guy showed up on time and did his inspection quickly and thoroughly. Which left me with a bunch of time to do a bunch of things. I started with a quick load of laundry since I have a limited number of sleeveless things, plus I only have one shirt that can keep the direct sun off of my tattoo and it was getting saturated with A & D ointment!

Then I switched over to trying to get the television working. I called Spectrum and found out the I needed to connect the little black boxes in the Cisco boxes. When I arrived 2 years ago Mom asked me what they were for, she had none of the paperwork that came with them so I was clueless then; the customer service rep was helpful. Fortunately instructions to hook things up were in the box. So I proceeded to hook things up; which meant removing a bunch of stuff to get access to the places I needed to access! After everything was hooked up I called Spectrum again to have the account switched on. Shelby asked for the serial number, I gave it to her, then she said these were the old boxes, not the new ones; apparently if Mom had hooked them up when she got them they could function, but since the switch happened before they were hooked up its not happening. Shelby will be sending 2 new boxes that should arrive by Saturday.
The Mystery Box. Mom kept wondering why Cisco sent her this box since she had sold all her stock in them years ago!
The Black Box. Look! An instruction booklet!
Now where do I connect everything up? Oh, yeah, behind all the stuff!
I labelled all the plugs.
The "new" old box does nothing to fix the snow.

I walked to Maunalani Park about mid-morning since I did not stay until the mid-afternoon due to the Terminix inspection. It was somewhat overcast with a light drizzle; it was perfect! I met Mana & Brad at the park; they drove in from somewhere. Not sure if that is because they live farther away than the other dogs I've seen or if it is because Mana is an older dog. Mana liked the dog treats! But I forgot photos again. Brad recognized my boots as Keens, he told me the shoe store in Mo'ili'ili is the only place he knows of on the island that carries Keens; I'll have to check it out. (Interestingly, Brad did not have any footwear.)

Dad had no fever during my watch, I hope it stays that way. He didn't eat anything, just drank his supplements; about 240 ml Breeze and 120 ml Plus. Because of the flu outbreak, I am not bringing Xander in tomorrow. During dinner Grace from Maunalani called; I was instantly expecting bad news, like another fever. But all she was calling about was to say they were starting all the residents who did not have the flu on Tamiflu, every other day for 10 days. Whew! No major decisions to be made.

Before I left Maunalani, Curtis told me about his latest sandwich creation: peanut butter & furikake! So I decided to give it a try. Unfortunately the Kokua Market whole wheat bread I really like had gone moldy. I guess I should have expected that since I had not been eating at home during March & April when I was with Dad at the ER or Kaiser Moanalua or Maunalani. I ended up having to use a piece of cinnamon bread that one of The Roommates brought home. I think it would have been better on plain whole wheat, the sweetness & cinnamon was a little distracting.
Oh, no! There goes my really good bread! Even Curtis likes it and he doesn't like whole wheat bread!
Peanut butter furikake sandwich on cinnamon bread.

While outside hanging the laundry I also checked on the plants. Mom's last orchid is doing great, below is a close-up of one of the flower spikes. I also took another photo of the last gift orchid, its better than the other photo I took of it. The oranges are also doing well.
The last surviving orchid that Mom grew.
The last orchid that Mom received as a gift.
Lots of green oranges!

The final thing I did before dinner was continue cleaning up the old bedroom. It's still not done, but I accomplished a lot today. The goal is to be done by the end of the weekend.
Looking at the south wall of the southwest bedroom.
Looking at the southwest corner of the southwest bedroom.
Looking at the west wall of the southwest bedroom.

Happy Birthday to Terri!

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