Saturday, April 30, 2016

More Food Options

Today I added 2 more foods to my list of things I am eating. For those wondering, yes, that is real ice cream. Yes, I know I said earlier that I am lactose intolerant. I have discovered several things about lactose intolerance. One is, even though I am lactose intolerant, if I eat only small amounts of lactose-containing foods the friendly bacteria in my GI tract can break it down adequately. Specific to ice cream I have found the higher the fat content, the less problems I have. I think it's a matter of less lactose in a given volume of product; it's rough having to only eat premium ice cream.
Homemade applesauce and Three Twins Ice Cream

Feeling much livelier today so I spent some time on the Internet trying to identify the bees in the birdhouse from memory. Found a really great on-line identification guide, Bumble Bees of the Western United States. Unfortunately, I did not spot a color pattern similar to what I remember. I shall have to get photos of them to better help with identification. I think I shall try that later this evening when it is cooler and they slow down. I might even go out when they are asleep and see if I can coax a couple of them to come out so I can photograph them.

Mom has been doing very good giving Momo his thyroid pill twice a day. Since he likes to sleep on the chair under the dining room table she knows where to find him. But it is difficult for her to get up after squatting down to take his pill to him. So I have been working with Mom to have her train Momo to come to her in the kitchen, then reaching down with the pill in her hand while she is sitting on the stool. It is just as much about training Mom as it is training Momo. (Xander has her trained to open the door for him so he can come in and go out to the cat run when he knows perfectly well how to do use the cat door.)

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