Sunday, April 19, 2020

Quarantine Day #3

Still no change in my status. On average, after exposure it takes 5 days for a person to show symptoms. So if I ran in to an asymptomatic COVID-19 carrier while at the airport (which was the only area where I could not physically distance myself due to all the paperwork, temperature tests, security checks, etc.) I should begin showing symptoms on Tuesday, if at all. Who knows, maybe I am an asymptomatic carrier! (However, there have been no people I know of that have come down with it since I saw them.)

My morning photo is now pretty boring. Except for the calendar. But I think I should wait a little longer to take the photo so there is more light so you can read it more easily. I think I'll sleep in longer so I can provide you with a better photo!
Four minutes after sunrise.

Yesterday we had 2 of the A/C units running all evening and the battery was able to provide power all night so it looks like it will do fine for most days.
Yesterday's energy usage; the green is the battery.
Today's usage.

I took the University of Hawaii College of Social Sciences' COVID-19 Contact Tracking Impacts Survey. It was a quick survey that will provide additional information regarding the spread of the coronavirus in the community.

I rearranged part of the bedroom I am in today. I cleaned up an old 6-drawer rolling cabinet that Mom had; I will be using it to organize my art supplies and other things that are currently in little piles around my room. I moved the rolling cabinet that is stored in the bedroom I am in next to the closet door along with the new rolling cabinet. They replace the boxes that were there; I moved the boxes to the foot of my bed. Now when I need to get in to that part of the closet I can easily roll the cabinets out of the way in order to open the closet door. Winner! I don't know why I didn't think about this sooner! Duh!

The Potential Most Favorite Roommate made me another face mask; now I have 3. He's been making them for several people so I searched through Mom's old sewing things and found her stash of material and sewing supplies and gave them to him. I also found the old sewing machine table; he's going to set up his sewing machine in the middle room; currently it is in his bedroom and he has to take it down every night when he goes to bed.

I spent some time walking around the yard, checking out the plants today. The papayas are still green but they are bigger now. It looks like the opuntia cactus might have some fruit that are going to actually grow this time. And the bromeliads seem to be doing well.

There were only 6 new cases today, bringing the total known COVID-19 cases up to 580; and there was 1 more death today so now we have 10. This last death was a visitor who began to show symptoms after he arrived; he is believed to have contracted the SARS CoV-2 while in his home state of Washington. A total of 414 people (71%) have now been released from isolation and 1.7% of the population has been tested.

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