Saturday, April 4, 2020

Taxes Done!

Sort of. After wading through 54 pages of return documents on-line I did an on-line signing for the Federal taxes; I'm getting about $1500 back. For my State taxes I need to sign a paper form because of the solar PV tax credit I am taking for the Kohala house. I will pick that up after I return; I'm getting about $3,400 back from the State.

This morning I also signed the HECO CER agreement for the solar PV for Dad's house. I think this is the last step before they hook things up. It didn't take this long for the Kohala house; I think it is because its a little over a 2-hour drive from Hilo so the contractor tried to get things done in a shorter time frame so their staff was not having to spend so much time driving back & forth to hook various things up.

Today was relatively sunny when it started and it stayed that way for much of the day.
One minute after sunrise.

Grey was doing laundry and didn't have a full load; he asked me if I had anything that needed washing. I did, a lot in fact since I also needed to do sheets from when Tomiko visited a couple months ago; she did not have enough room in her luggage to bring them to me for washing. I only gave Grey some smaller stuff. Good thing, too! The washer decided to totally give up on us! He said it made some noises but the basket wouldn't spin so water did not get wrung out like it usually does; it sounds like it is a bad belt. But its so old its not worth repairing; I will be looking in to getting a front load washer to replace it. They are not only more efficient, it will be easier for me to unload! Even though it was relatively sunny this afternoon, because the laundry was not wrung out to start with, it was still damp in the early evening when we brought it in and hung it on a makeshift line in the sewing room. About half an hour after we got it all hung up in the house it began to rain!

I got another robocall from Hawaiian Airlines today saying my flight had changed! Aue! This is the 4th change I've had since the day before I left. I also had an e-mail; when I looked at the e-mail I discovered the flight really had not changed from the previous time they said it had been changed. They really need to say something along the lines of, "We are reminding you that your original flight was changed. Blah, blah, blah."

Grey was originally going to leave this evening to meet the Arka Kinari in Hilo later tonight. But last night he found that they were still a ways out and they had also lost a bunch of wind so were moving much slower than expected. He will now be leaving tomorrow morning instead. He began packing this afternoon; he packed around his air mattress so he can sleep in the car in case they are delayed again. I'm still not sure he will have enough room for everything!
The air mattress is on the right.
Good thing he's traveling alone!
He still has to pack these things from the cabinets ...
... and these things from the refrigerator.

While discussing Grey's upcoming sail across the Pacific, we also talked about funding for this trip and future projects. I decided to give Arka Kinari $1 a day to continue with their mission; "... Arka Kinari is a multimedia performance staged from the deck of a traditional sailing ship, using live music and cinematic visuals to imagine life after the carbon economy, resilience to climate change, and re-engagement with the last great commons- the sea." If you would like to help support Grey and Arka Kinari go to their web page, watch the video, and make a donation. Since I account for leap year, $1 a day works out to $30.44 per month; but any amount you contribute will help.

For dinner tonight I finished off the prime rib that I got from Minnie's last night. There was also mashed potatoes and a roll to go with the salad but I left those for Grey since I am still trying to stick to the keto diet the best I can while I'm here.

After dinner, I was looking out my bedroom window and saw 2 adult feral pigs walking through Jessie's back yard. I told Grey about them; he went out to see them. He said the adults were about the size of German shepherds and there were 5 baby piglets with them. They were not able to get through the fence due to his great patches! (I was not able to get photos since they trotted through the yard so quickly and it was already getting dark.)

Later Grey packed up the supplies from the cabinets. These are the 3 boxes he packed. It's going to be a very full car tomorrow! (He still hasn't packed the food in the refrigerator!)

There were 32 new COVID-19 cases today, bringing the state total to 351 cases. There are 22 cases on Hawai'i Island, with the most in Kona and Hilo ZCTAs. Molokaʻi now has 1 case. Statewide there are 4 deaths, all on Oʻahu. So far 19 people have required hospitalization, but overall 82 people have recovered. The Lt. Governor says we can expect about 1% of people testing positive to require hospitalization so we are a little high right now. Dr.  Anderson from the Health Department is projecting that we will see a peak in cases in about a month, or early May. We shall see.

Updated data shows no more than 30 people infected on the worst day.
Note the more widespread locations on O'ahu.

So far about 13,000 tests have been done; about 2.7% have come back positive. According to the Health Department this is the 3rd highest number of tests any states have done; just behind California with New York in the lead. What is promising is that although the daily number of tests has increased tremendously the number of cases has not increased by the same proportion. So it does not mean we were not seeing a lot of cases earlier because there was no testing in the beginning.

This Confirmed Cases by Age chart is interesting. At a quick glance it looks like the rate of getting COVID-19 for ages 20 to 39, 40 to 59, and those 60 & older have similar chances of becoming infected. But the bigger issue is the numbers needing hospitalization where the oldest group is the more likely to need hospitalization.

The New York Times has a great coronavirus tracker. It allows you to go to information for any state.

Here's the answer to yesterday's question: 4.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Brian & Israel! Me ka  Hauʻoli lā Hoʻomanao e Maria & George! 

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