Friday, April 17, 2020

Quarantine Day #1

After a rough start with tracking out-of-state visitors on the mandatory 14-day quarantine, the State started a website that automatically contacts you to check-in. I got an e-mail at 10 this morning from the Safe Travels Hawaii site and answered their questions.

I got up fairly early. But there is no nice view from the window here. And no Saffron Finches singing outside my window.
Yes, it's still on March.

Here's what I discovered when I went to dry a dish I washed this morning. The Roommates apparently couldn't find any dish towels while I was gone. They used one of the bath mats; it was clean.

The orchid that Calvin gave us as a Thank You gift last year is blooming again. I hope he is safe and doing well; he went to Spain last September for a 1-year biology study abroad program. I texted about a month ago but have not heard from him.  

When I checked on the Tesla app to see how the solar PV system was doing, I found that the battery was not being recharged; the excess electricity was being sent back to the grid. I called John from RevoluSun and left a message about it.

While reading an e-mail from America's Test Kitchen I discovered  I did not need to freeze those eggs; they can stay fresh in the refrigerator for 4 months! Aue! I would have preferred to have them fresh, now I know. I also know how to tell how old they really are; except for the ones from Toto which should be a lot fresher.

Keala has become a welcomed part of the feline family; her presence has apparently made both S'mores & Luna more mellow. It has also become apparent that she was previously owned by someone; she has some bad habits. She comes running when a to go bag rustles and she begs for food at the table. But none of us here approve of feeding cats people food so she goes away. And she very quickly used the cat door to access the cat run.

Keala enjoying the cat run.
Keala and S'mores.

My disk is full so I am having some problems. While I am in quarantine I guess I can work on deleting things that I no longer need on my laptop.

John from RevoluSun called back later in the afternoon; he had been out on a hike with his girlfriend. I had forgotten there was also a switch on the Tesla battery itself. Once I turned it on we could see that the battery was now being charged. So tomorrow will be our first fully solar-powered day!

On Tuesday the World Health Organization issued 6 criteria for lifting shelter-in-place restrictions:
  1. Transmission is controlled.
  2. Health system capacity is in place to detect, test, isolate and treat every case and trace every contact.
  3. Outbreak risks are minimized in special settings, such as nursing homes.
  4. Preventive measures are in place in workplaces, schools and essential businesses.
  5. Managing the risk of people bringing the virus in from other countries.
  6. Communities are fully educated, engaged and empowered to adjust to the new normal.
Yesterday the White House issued its list of 6 criteria for lifting restrictions which include:
  • A decline in influenza-like illnesses reported within a 14-day period and a downward trajectory of covid-like cases reported within a 14-day period;
  • A decline in documented tescases of COVID-19 within a two-week period or a decline in the share of coronavirus tests that come back positive, if test volume increases or remains flat; and
  • Hospitals within a jurisdiction should have the capacity to treat all patients without “crisis care” and there should be a “robust testing program in place for at-risk health care workers” including tests for COVID-19 immunity.
Lifting would be in a 3-phased approach; if the above criteria continue for an additional 14 days, the state can move on to the next phase of opening up.

There were 12 new cases reported today bringing the total known cases of COVID-19 to 553 people; the new cases number was also higher than yesterday so we are nowhere close to meeting the criteria for the Phase 1 lifting.  The number of people needing hospitalization increased but the number of deaths has remained the same. The number of people released from isolation is now 390 people (75%) with about 1.6% of the population tested.

The State added 2 new graphs to their website. One shows the number of people tested in each county. The other looks at the race of COVID-19 cases compared to the state population.

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