Tuesday, July 14, 2020

All Present!

I put some cat food out about 11 and just before lunch (around 11:30) I heard a cat meowing in front. It was The Tabby! When I checked things out through the camera I saw that The Tabby had been eating but now Mom Cat was forcing him out. And I did definitely find out The Tabby is a male; I caught him in the act of marking his territory! After she ate, Mom Cat went and lay under the mock orange at the fence line; I could see her from my bedroom window. But because I was about 3 feet back from the window I think she wasn't able to see me in the shadows; she was very relaxed and even went to sleep. Wiley did not come around during lunch.
The Tabby leaves as Mom Cat comes in to eat.
The Tabby stays on the ramp.
The Tabby marks the bushes.
Mom Cat sits in the shade.
Mom Cat feels safe here & takes a little nap.

When I went to put the dinner meal out Wiley immediately came out from under the ramp and stood there and watched me pour the food in to the bowl. Wiley is getting to associate me with food and is less flighty when I stay around, s/he even came walking in my direction as I was putting out more food after s/he finished the first portion. I am hoping by the end of this stay Wiley will become so used to me as the food giver s/he will let me watch from the porch as s/he eats.

Wiley looked up and saw me ...
... but kept on eating ...
...until everything was gone.
Wiley started meowing.
I brought out more food & got Wiley's attention.

This is about as close as Wiley would come to me.

Wiley saw me watching again ...
... but kept on eating until the food was gone.

I'm not sure if the Saffron Finch is still singing well before sunrise, but I did not wake up until it was closer to the time I choose to wake up. And when I did wake up, I did not hear the Saffron Finch singing; I heard a lot of other birds though. I'm not sure why it is the Saffron Finch's song that wakes me up. It was quite overcast this morning.

I had my contact tracing interview this morning at 9 sharp; Nicole and Princess interviewed me. It lasted for 15 minutes; that was the length of the time slots they gave out last night. I'm not sure how many people they sent the email out to but there were only about 40 interview slots. May be that was part of the screening process; are you on top of responding to your emails in a very timely manner? I guess you would want your contact tracers to act quickly when they are given a lead to work on! They are doing interviews tomorrow as well; I hope to hear by the end of the week whether I made it in to Cohort #2.

I forgot to mention that I got a poster of different types of kalo. I am trying to figure out what variety is growing here.

I finally cut a slice of guava for Martina; she showed up about 15 minutes after I placed it on the table. But she is a little more skittish than before. I guess I have to get her used to being around me again. I have not seen Spot yet.

For lunch I ate more than sauerkraut today; but not as much as I had the 2 other days. I settled for just a bag of Whisps with guacamole. And everything stayed put! I was tired though; I think it is from the lack of calories. The Whisps and guacamole have about 150 calories; the 1/2 cup of sauerkraut per meal that I had been eating over the last day and a half has 0 calories. I went to sleep after lunch; it was all I had the energy to do!

But I guess that's okay, too. It rained most of last night and it was drizzly and damp this morning during the interview. When I was falling asleep it seemed to stop drizzling; I don't know what it was doing while I was asleep but when I got up it was drier and the sun was setting.

For dinner I decided to be daring! I finished off the leftover prime rib! I left the big chunk of fat though. And once again everything was all right! My energy level was still a little low, though. I hope I can do some outside work tomorrow.

Grey posted on Facebook today about their current status; they are still in Guam. He said, "While trapped outside civilization's fence Arka Kinari was briefly a news item. I wasn't online at the time to share those, but this longer-form piece just came out in Pitchfork ... Update: despite being backed by the good folks of Indonesia's Ministry of Culture & Education, the the Ministry of Interior (which handles immigration) is unresponsive. Since there is zero immigration at the moment, my guess is that the entire staff are spending their days right here on Facebook posting cat memes. If it weren't for the kindness of Guam we could have been shipwrecked, or at best drifting in the doldrums surviving on uncooked chickpeas and shoe leather. Meanwhile Nova Ruth and Lintas Batas continue their tropical Kafka quest to get us into their country, while we look to the sky and the forecasts for any sign of typhoon." Click on this link to go to the Pitchfork article.

There were 22 new COVID-19 cases today, bringing the total of known cases up to 1264. There were no new deaths but there were a few more new hospitalizations.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Dr. T, Dianne, Kathy, & Brenda!

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