Monday, July 6, 2020

The Intruder

Almost every night for the last of couple weeks The Intruder has come by to fight with Luna. Every night when he shows up I turn on the light in the cat run, open the sliding screen door, and start shooting him with the water sprayer. Usually it only takes a couple of squirts to get him to leave; tonight I shot him about 10 times before he unhooked himself from the netting; and I was even spraying him in the face! Unfortunately I can't get a photo of him getting sprayed and spray him at the same time. I usually leave the light on until I go to sleep; he usually stays away while the light is on. He has learned that I will be there to spray him while the light is on.

I slept through 2 alarms this morning; I don't know why I am so tired recently. I apparently turned off my wake-up alarm as well as my leave-the-house alarm and don't remember it. I got up later than usual but not super late, about 7.
Eighty-two minutes after sunrise.

I met Myron at Foodland Dillingham this morning; we had about 10 things to buy for Case C. Since this is the 2nd delivery it was quite a bit smaller. According to both Susan and Casey, the 1st delivery is usually quite large because people had not planned on being in quarantine. Since this is hurricane season it would seem to me that people should have enough supplies for 14 days since that's what the emergency management folks say you should have. About the only thing people should really be needing would be fresh produce & perishable items.

The probability of the weak low pressure southeast of us turning in to a storm within the next 5 days has now decreased to 10%.

Today there were only 7 new COVID-19 cases reported, bringing the total of known cases up to 1030. There were no new deaths and 1 additional hospitalization. A little over 75% of cases have been released from isolation and over 100,000 tests have been performed with about a 1.2% rate of positive cases.

Hau'oli lā Hānau e Vonita!

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