Tuesday, May 26, 2020

More Measurements

Last night when I sat down to start drafting the plans for the sewing room remodel, I discovered I needed a few more measurements. I didn't want to do them in the dark so I got them this morning. The measurements I was missing were the total length from the corner of the sewing room to the northeasterly corner of the house, the length of the garage, and the distance of the northerly corners of the house to the property line. I measured the distance to the property line for both the northeast and northwest corners; they were 20'10" and 21'5", respectively.The minimum setback is 10'; the remodel will 12'10" from the property line at the closest.

Since I could not start on the drawing last night, I checked out the Hawaii County Building Department website to see how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their business process. I found I will need to make an appointment for anything, its how they are ensuring the physical distancing; there are no walk-ins allowed. I will see if I can get in on the morning I am leaving so I can ask some questions.

I wonder why the Saffron Finch is the first bird singing in the morning? All the other birds are seeing the same brightness in the sky but they don't start until about 10 minutes later.
Birdrise at 24 minutes before sunrise.
Seventeen minutes after sunrise.

This morning Kristen from Maunalani Nursing & Rehabilitation Center called at 11 to start Dad's Care Conference; Dad was there as well as RN Fred and CNA Susie. Curtis and I attended by phone per their COVID-19 protocols. Dad is doing well; Fred went through all their risk management elements and he had had no incidents with each of the elements since our last Care Conference in February. (To be clear, he rarely had any problems earlier. When he did it was minor things like redness of the skin on his legs.) Several times during the half hour conference Dad said, "I'm hungry. When are we going to eat?" Which is great, as we noted during the conference, when he first arrived a little over 2 years ago he was refusing to eat; he would only drink the liquid supplements. His weight has stayed fairly stable, his food intake is at about 85%, and his fluid intake has increased to be more where they want it to be. His urine output and color are good and he has no pain, all indicating no UTIs. He has been fairly cooperative with getting out of bed and doing activities; they are restricted to their floor so they do exercises while physically distanced in the hallway. He has also been fairly cooperative with hs twice weekly showers and bed baths in between. Overall there were no issues or concerns. They have no timeline when nursing homes will be allowed to reopen to visitors or what the new normal might look like. We'll just have to wait and see. Unlike some other areas of the country, there have been no cases of COVID-19 in any nursing, elder care, or other group home places in the state.

After I finished the notes for Dad's Care Conference, I put some food out for the cats; as I walked to the door I called to them and let them know I was coming to the door with food. Today, within less than 30 seconds Mom Cat was there; she must have been napping under the house. She came up on the ramp but would not come up to the food; she only stuck around for about a minute, then left. I would not have known she had done that if it wasn't for the mirror! When I checked again at about 30 minutes later, the food was still there. But an hour later it was gone; I have no idea who ate it. Maybe I should get a wildlife camera? I might be surprised by who comes for meals. Or even just walks by.

Everything is set for Kamaka to pick up the 100 anthurium starts from Laura on Sunday. It will be a variety of colors of whatever is in bloom; she gives you plants with flowers so you know what you are getting. I can't wait! Grandma's garden will soon be back looking like it was when she cared for it!

Today is the 3rd day in a row that we have had no new cases of COVID-19 reported, so our total remains at 643; deaths and hospitalizations remain the same. A li9t6tle over 92% are out of isolation. From now on I will be posting only the cases that occurred with the prior 28 days in the ZCTAs; this is a more useful graphic as we move forward with opening things up.

Past 28 days.
Keep an eye on the bars in the gray area.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Janice & Mari!

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