Sunday, June 21, 2020

Fathers Day Drive By

A couple weeks ago I got a text from Maunalani, letting us know they were setting up a drive-by Fathers Day "visit" for the residents. They held the event in the morning for residents on the 3rd floor and in the afternoon for 2nd floor residents like Dad. You had to wear a mask and you could not leave your car; I think the masks confused Dad. He didn't seem to know who we were until I briefly pulled my mask down so he could see my face. For those who wanted it, they took a photo of the resident near the car; we asked them to post Dad's photo in his room. It was nice to see a lot of the staff that we have gotten to know over the years. Some of the staff there were Kristen, Czar, Marissa, Chad, Sam, Yuen, Orlando, Susan, Cynthia, and Mildred; I'm sure there were others that I missed.
After we checked in at the driveway entrance we were directed to go to the end of the driveway & wait.
Staff members Orlando & Mildred wait along the way for their rides home.
They had the entrance decorated for the celebration.
The media was leaving as we arrived.
L to R: Sam, Dad, Marissa, & Czar.
Sam gets Dad ready to visit with us.
Czar brings Dad to the car for his photo.
As we leave other families come in for their visit.

KGMB TV had a short piece on the event this evening.

When we visited Dad we also dropped off a cloth mask that Curtis had Lori make for RN Fred who is also a Steelers fan.

Even though I am still in quarantine; visits like this one to Dad are allowed under the exemption I was given by the DOD/Safe Travels folks (even though no one at the airport wanted to see it). I can do a bunch of things that are associated with Dad and keeping his household functioning. I have 4 more days left on this, hopefully final, quarantine.

Getting closer to my target wake up time of 4:51; today the first alarm went off at 5:12. My real wake up alarm right now is set for 6.
Thirty-eight minutes before sunrise.
Waking up at twenty-three minutes after sunrise.

This morning Keala was being a brat! Luna hissed at her, then started walking away towards the utility room. Keala quickly ran & jumped on top of the wicker chair and swatted Luna's tail as she walked by! Luna turned and sheltered under the chair, Keala kept reaching under the chair to try and touch her. Luna bolted for the living room!
Luna is not amused.
As she leaves ...
... Keala takes another swipe at her.

For lunch I opened up one of the avocados and made avocado toast on the keto bread.

Curtis usually picks up a diet Coke at McDonald's before he gets on the freeway; today the line was so long he skipped it. But he got here early enough that we had time to hit the drive-thru on our way up to Maunalani. You need to wear a mask but they still take cash.

When Curtis dropped by to pick me up to go to the drive by Fathers Day Celebration, he dropped off a mask that Lori had made for me. She included a place at the nose bridge to add the bonsai wire to make a nose clip. She also left the ends where the 2 layers come together open so that a PM 2.5 filter can be slipped in to the mask. With the filter it won't matter how many times the cloth mask is washed; it will still retain the ability to filter particles due to the PM 2.5 filter that is inserted into the mask.

Later in the afternoon Keala was acting like a little angel.

I joined the Facebook page, Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers. In order to get in you had to answer a very short questionnaire; one of the questions was about what was on your Facebook page. I said I had hardly anything but I had a blog that talked about the fruit trees on the property that I was interested in finding out how to care for properly. The admins approved my request! One of the posts yesterday talked about making jaboticaba chocolate almond chip cookies. He says they taste like cranberries after being baked. I'm going to have to try this when there are enough jaboticaba.

On the news tonight they also showed a short clip about Kamaka; he & his stepdad & brother helped to move the hāpuʻu 2 weeks ago. He was on the news because as part of The Race to $50K he pledged to hold a community event for every $10,000 he has raised towards paying off his school loans. He reached that earlier this year and was going to hold an event in early April; it had to be cancelled due to COVID-19. After he received his stimulus check he decided to use it to provide 350 high school seniors in the Hilo area with gift packages in celebration of their graduation. He also got donations from local vendors for the event that was held yesterday.

Handing out Shaka Tea to the grads.
A happy graduate!
Kamaka greets the graduates.
Kamaka's brother Kū (in yellow) is a 2020 graduate but was also helping hand out gift bags.

That big box that arrived last Wednesday was a chair for Curtis; it's a Fathers Day gift from The Roommates. Since he occasionally reads the blog, and Lori reads it much more, I did not want to say what it was until now.
The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes turned it right side up later.

There were 11 new COVID-19 cases today, bringing the total up to 814; 9 cases are on Oʻahu, 2 on Hawaiʻi Island. Three of the cases are at the Hale Nani nursing home; their total is now 15. There were no new deaths but there was 1 additional hospitalization. Of the positive cases, 80% have been released from isolation. The CDC is predicting that there will be a spike in new deaths here over the next 4 weeks; they have predicted the same in 8 other states.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Shannen & Vi!

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