Monday, June 1, 2020

Inter-island Quarantine Lifting Soon

Today Governor Ige announced that the 14-day inter-island quarantine will be lifted on June 16th! Yay! I wonder if that means that I can end my quarantine on the 16th even though that will be less than 14 days from when I arrive in Honolulu? The CEO for Hawaiian Airlines said currently they have 5 round trips a day each from Honolulu to Lihue, Kona, Hilo, and Maui which are running at about 20% capacity.

The Saffron Finch was a little late this morning; but I didn't mind. I went back to sleep and waited for my alarm to go off.
Birdrise eleven minutes before sunrise; the Saffron Finch was late this morning!
The weather outlook didn't look much better at eighteen minutes after sunrise.

There is a pair of Saffron Finches that appear to be nesting in the downspout at Jessie's house. This morning it looked like they were starting to build a nest.
Looking in the downspout at the other Saffron Finch.
One bird is up top looking around while the other peaks out from the hole in the downspout.
It popped out of the hole and flew up to the downspout.

When I looked out the back porch at the ʻAlenuihāhā Channel at about 7:30 it was looking unsettled. Although it was sunny here, the channel was full of dark clouds rolling through. Later, just after lunch it was cloudy everywhere.
At around 7:30 am.
At about 1 pm.

I thought I should clean up  the butter knife after each time I use it and leave peanut butter on the plastic butter knife at a lower level so Martin did not have to climb all the way up each day. But then I had another idea; I would set up the butter knife with a little peanut butter on the tip and get Martin used to standing up on him hind legs to eat. Then I could get a great photo to determine what gender Martin is! So I had put that in place around lunch time; I had not seen Martin or any other geckos all morning.
Strategically placed peanut butter knife.
Strategically placed blob of peanut butter.

I was on the phone later in the afternoon, talking to Kai, when Martin showed up again. He was walking across the kitchen floor, going from the refrigerator to the rolling shelving unit by the window. I told Kai about Martin's adventures with peanut butter yesterday. I also told him I might also abruptly end the conversation so I could get some good photos of Martin.

However, Martin had other ideas. When he did finally climb up to the top of the kitchen table, Martin approached from the other side of the carousel and was able to reach the peanut butter without coming far enough out from behind the lower container. I slowly moved the peanut butter out of his reach, he left. But came back a short while later. But I still could not get a good photo. So I waited; Martin moved to get a better angle on the peanut butter. And now I could see to the base of his tail! But before I could get the phone set up for photos, he moved. Aue! Outsmarted by Martin! He left shortly after that, I think he had enough calories yesterday to hold him for some time. Looks like I will have to try again tomorrow.

At first it looked like he was going to take the same route as yesterday.
But instead he came up from the other side.

He's not high enough for me to get a good photo.
Coming from the other side after I moved the knife.
Darn! He found another blob of peanut butter.

I went to give the cats their evening feeding. Within 15 seconds of pouring the food loudly in to their bowl Mom Cat appeared. She sauntered about half way up the ramp, then sat there to see if the coast was clear. After waiting about 7 minutes she left, she never came up to the food bowl. I waited to see if she would return, but when Laurel & Bill arrived 10 minutes later none of them had come around.
Immediately after I put the food in the bowl.
Mom Cat shows up about 15 seconds later.
Mom Cat sits near the end of the ramp, waiting.
And waiting.
Something over there has gotten her attention.
She walks away to investigate.
Now what's that over there?

Mom Cat comes back and waits again.
Only her tail is visible here in the mirror as she checks on something else.
Back at her usual waiting spot again.
She leaves again.
Ten minutes or so later Laurel & Bill arrive in their red truck visible through the window.

Laurel & Bill picked Sir Purr up this afternoon. Since the refrigerator is being delivered tomorrow, and I am not sure I will be here when they arrive, I wanted Sir Purr to go home so he doesn't make a break for the open door tomorrow. At first Bill couldn't find him; he wasn't under the end table as usual. They checked under the couch and chairs and still couldn't find him. I finally found him in the space under the nightstand that was up against some boxes. With a little rearranging, Bill was able to move the nightstand enough so he could reach in and get Sir Purr.
Sir Purr hiding in the nightstand.
Bill has Sir Purr by the scruff of his neck.
Sir Purr is not going in to the carrier willingly.
Bill finally gets him in.

We talked for a while after they were able to get Sir Purr out of his hiding place. Once I got back in the house I vacuumed up what was left of the cat litter then I went to start dinner. And I saw Martin up by the peanut butter again! He didn't stay long this time; I think the flash was annoying him.

Today is the first day of Hurricane Season for us. So far so good. Nothing showing for the next 5 days. But the season goes through November 30th so there will be many more opportunities for one to form & come our way.

There were no new COVID -19 cases today; total known cases, deaths, hospitalizations, and people released from isolation have remained the same.  

Cases in the past 28 days.

Here are the answers to yesterday's macadamia nut hunt.

I don't know how many nuts there are, the weeds are too tall!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Leigh, Kendee, & Martin! (... a human Martin)

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