Thursday, June 18, 2020

Best Keto Bread

I made another loaf of the bread from the Keto Connect recipe. It is a lot better than the Cookie Dough Bread I made a couple weeks ago. In fact, it is better than any other low carb bread that I have made. It "rises" somewhat like a regular loaf but the "rise" comes from a combination of whipped egg whites and baking powder.
The batter before baking.
After baking.
It almost doubled in size.
It rose a lot higher than the Cookie Dough Bread.

Before I start a recipe I gather all my ingredients. I found this when I went to get the baking powder. It turns out The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes made chocolate chip cookies for his co-workers while I was gone. Apparently he did not notice that we had baking powder already. I guess we won't be needing baking powder for a while!
The little red can is what I have been using for baking.

Tomorrow I think I will try the Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe from ATK's Easy Everyday Keto cookbook. I also want to try their mug cake recipe to see how it compares to the Keto Connect mug cake.

It's got more ingredients & takes longer.
This one creates a 4 serving mix that you need to just add an egg when you use it.

This is Day #7 of this quarantine; half way done! I am finding I am sleeping more during this quarantine. I am not sure why; but I have decided if I am feeling tired, I will sleep. Sounds like a good idea to me! I am still continuing with my earlier wake up time to get me on track to do the sunrise birding walks again.
Nineteen minutes before sunrise.

Earlier this week The Potential Most Favorite Roommate said he was going to start the ketogenic diet because he needed to lose weight. The next day he bought some low carb snacks and meal replacers by Atkins to help him out. He gave me one of the snacks the other day.
Here is one of the snacks; I think it is supposed to resemble a Baby Ruth bar.
He also found this a a regular grocery store.

I was on the Internet again today. But unlike the other days I wasn't just watching videos; I found a cool ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi resource site called ʻAha Pūnana Leo. It has an on-line Hawaiian class as well as e-books. I found I could follow the simplest sentences in the simpler beginner books; so I think that's where I will start. I am going to see if I can buy the actual books.

If you read yesterday's lesson you should know what kāua means.
This is my current level of reading comprehension.
This is still a beginner book but for a higher level of beginner.
I can understand the gist of what this says
The actual translation is under item 1.

Late tonight The Intruder came back to fight with Luna. Even after I turned on the light he jumped up to the top of the concrete wall to confront Luna. He left but came back about 10 minutes later but left when he saw me taking photos. But in a few minutes he came back again! He was walking along the top of the concrete wall when he looked over and saw me; I wasn't able to get my phone set up fast enough to get a photo of him. But I did get one as he walked along the top of the chain link fence.
 L to R: The Intruder attacks Luna at the fence.
Luna watches as The Intruder leaves.
The Intruder spotted me taking photos, so he left.
He didn't stop walking after he saw me.

There were 18 new COVID-19 cases reported today bringing the total up to 762. On a Facebook Live video with all the mayors, Governor Ige attributed the spike to the Hale Nani nursing home where over 1000 people associated with the nursing home were tested; 4 staff and 7 residents are now known to be positive. The residents & staff on the same floor as the positive cases that are currently negative will be monitored daily and tested every 3 days to ensure they remain negative. They said about 1000 tests per day are needed to keep track of these cases; the state has the capacity to do about 3000 tests per day. Several of the residents have had to be hospitalized but there are no new deaths.
The Facebook Live meeting with the mayors.

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