Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Loose Ends

I spent a lot of today wrapping up loose ends for my time in Kohala. A big one was registering the new refrigerator for the warranty. I tried to register by taking a photo of the registration card and texting it as directed. I got a reply that said, "I couldn't read your photo. Help me out and type your registration code in a text message and send it back." They also gave me an option of going on line to register. I sent the registration code and got the reply back to, "Tap link to complete registration" online. I guess that was how it was supposed to work?

I also completed the application for the rebate for the replacement of the old refrigerator with the new Energy Star refrigerator. I also submitted the paperwork to change the electronic funds transfer of the annuity from Mom to the new account for the house. Along with that I also submitted paperwork for the water & gas payments to be automatically paid from the new account. I had already changed the electricity account to be automatically withdrawn from the new account; I was able to do that one online. The 2 other accounts, as well as the electronic funds transfer, needed an actual voided check in order to start them.

The other thing I did today was completed the 2020 Census form. The form asks you to fill it out for where you were on April 1st; for me that was Kapaʻau. But I did not remember seeing that direction on the census form that we filled out in late March before I left Honolulu. I had called the help number when I got the census form in Kohala last week and was told to fill it out for Kapa'au and I could correct the March one online since we had submitted it online; but found this morning that it would not let me back in. I called the help line again and talked to Mark. He said there is no way to go back in to correct the form; Mark said the computer tries to catch duplicate entries & correct them. Oh well, I tried.

The Potential Most Favorite Roommate brought a new toy home for the cats, the Pop & Play. All the cats loved it! It might become their most favorite toy. The makers of the toy know cats well; they included another feather toy and a mouse toy to replace the current one when it gets destroyed.
L to R: Luna, Keala, & S'mores.

Luna tries another tactic.

In the evening the cat that wants to fight with Luna was back. At the start it had been at the gate growling at Luna, so I turned the light on and it left. About 10 minutes later Keala, who had been out in the cat run also, came running in with her tail all puffed out! I heard Luna & the other cat growling; he was at the other end of the cat run now. When he saw me taking photos, he slowly walked away.
Luna sits on the shelf, looking down at the intruder.

Later Luna came trotting in with something she caught; I thought it was an invasive Greenhouse Frog (Eleutherodactylus planirostris). I had previously found several dead, dried out frog bodies in the cat run. But tonight it was a large American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana). The roach is about the same size as the frog!
Luna carries the roach back out to the cat run.

Today was the 1st day of inter-island travel without the 14-day quarantine; news clips showed a lot more people at the airport than during the 5 times I traveled since March. I found the new form and have saved it on my laptop; I'll be filling out the parts that can be done ahead of time.

The Travel Information at the bottom of the form is new.
All of the Health History parts of the form is new.

There were 4 new COVID-19 cases today bringing the total of known cases up to 740. There were no new deaths but there were more hospitalizations. With the latest new cases, there are now 86% of people who have been released from isolation.

The graph now starts in April rather than March when the 1st case was found.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Winifred & Pete!

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