Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Little Visitor

This morning a little visitor came in to Dad's room; it was a medium-sized Cane Spider, Heteropoda venatoria. At first I thought it was just passing by the chair where I sit during the day. But later I found it decided to hang out near my backpack and water bottle. Cane spiders do not spin webs, they actively hunt their prey; I guess it was keeping my backpack & water bottle safe from any marauding roaches!
The visiting spider.
Here he is protecting my water bottle from marauders.

One of the things I discovered while trying to make sure everything I wanted was transferred over to the replacement phone, is that there is a Magnifier app that comes with the phone. I installed the widget this afternoon; I had a chance to use it when I went to get the mail when I returned home. As I got to the back door with the mail I noticed ants swarming all over my arm; I was wearing long sleeves so I didn't feel them. I'm not sure how long we left the mail uncollected but they had some ant larvae between 2 pieces of mail and were attacking me to defend the larvae. I also discovered I can use the Magnifier app to take a photo, like of the cane spider, and have it act somewhat like a telephoto lens; I didn't know about it when I took the photo of the spider otherwise there would have been a really detailed photo of it. Just imagine how good a photo I could have gotten of those ticks! I'll have to see how it works on birds in the field.
With the regular lens.
Using the Magnifier app; pretty cool!

Last night when I went to bed I seemed to be missing 18 people from my Contacts list whose information did not transfer over to the new phone. I knew who one of the people was because she texted me a couple days ago & her name was missing from the text, replaced by her phone number. This morning I noticed that her name and photo were now back in the text list; she was also present in Contacts. This afternoon I finally checked and found that I now have 28 more entries in Contacts on the new phone than are shown on the old phone. Auwe!

A sad discovery that I made is that all the data I had stored in Moving Planner has been lost. Somehow in the data transfer process Moving Planner was deleted. Even though I paid for the app, I have been unable to retrieve all the information on what was in the approximately 300 boxes at the Kohala house. Now I will have to randomly open boxes to find things. At least similar types of boxes are stacked together.

Lunch today was Korean broiled chicken, Sesame broccoli, Green salad, & New England clam chowder. Dad tried one bite of the chicken but said it was too hard for him to chew it.

I did 3 walks today and am feeling great! During the last walk I saw a sign at the bus stop that I never noticed before. Kai will have to be careful about bus stops here; I have picked him up when he had a bout of tetany and was lying down at the bus stop waiting for me. When I returned from the last walk of the day, RN Ryan said he liked my hiking boots. I told him I did, too! I do have to get a new pair though. Part of the sole on the left boot is beginning to delaminate; I need to take care of that before it trips me & I hurt myself.

Happy Birthday to Shirley! Shirley was the librarian at Kai's middle school; she was one of his favorite people there.

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