Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Kohen Hands

I learned something new today! While I was going through the paperwork for Dad's funeral service one of the things I needed to do was choose an emblem for the plaque at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. Since Dad was an agnostic I wanted to see if there was something available and looked through the entire 2 pages of emblems; there were 63 shown. There were several that I was not familiar with but the one that intrigued me the most was the Kohen Hands; it looks like a 2-handed Vulcan salute. 

This morning I used the last of the hakurei greens in my proothie. Next up: radish greens; I have not tried them yet. Hopefully they will be as innocuous as the hakurei greens.

I spent most of the morning going through the papers that Glenn, our funeral director from Hosoi Garden Mortuary, had emailed to me. When Mom died, Curtis & I went to Hosoi and sat down with Ellen to make all the arrangements. With the new normal I started the process with Glenn with a phone interview, most of the rest of it is taking place via email.

I have also started a spreadsheet of all the things I need to handle to transfer assets and close the estate. For Mom's estate it took about 13 months; I am hoping Dad's is equally short. 

Jen posted a photo of Susan's bagels in progress the other day. I just saw them this morning. But I could not find the photo of the finished bagels.


I did the Curvy workout today. It was easier than the last time I did it, but there is still a lot of room for improvement!

After my workout I went to make lunch, but my supply drawer was so messy I decided to clean it up and organize it before I started lunch. When I removed the drawer I found a mess underneath it. I got the 1st layer of gunk off; I'll get the rest of it on my next day off.

Not sure what this was.
After; trust me, it really is better than before.

For lunch I made sort of a hot dog with a smoked chicken & apple sausage and a couple slices of bread. I also had some of the radishes that I put in to the brine left from the chipotle sauerkraut. The brining helped cut the sharpness of the radish and it was quite nice.

For dinner I had some leftover Hamburger Helper that The Roommates had made last night; forgot to take a photo of it. I'm not sure what flavor it was supposed to have but I ended up adding cheese and sour cream to make it more like a stroganoff since flavor seemed to be lacking. Since COVID started making the rounds, I sometimes wonder if I am starting to show symptoms when I eat things like this & find it very bland and tasteless. But after amending the food I find that, no, it was just the food.

It was drier here than the Aix weather app forecasted for the morning but by lunch it had started to drizzle. By the early evening it was pouring, later it was a steady drizzle. Judging by the Tesla app, in Kapaʻau it looks like the Aix forecast was very cloudy. Western Washington people, how well did Aix forecast your weather?

Cats spent much of the day indoors.

Here are some cool things my Facebook friends were sharing today, starting with Susie's weekly bouquet of things from her yard, a stamp commemorating the Nisei Veterans, an owl print in the snow where it dove down to catch its prey, sculptures made out of rice straw, espresso art, and a kohen hand turkey!

A Kohen Hand turkey!

And here are some humorous posts. I think they speak for themselves.


I like to separate out the posts that involve COVID-19 and our behavior around it. Like the fact that this is not the first time people have had to deal with a disease keeping people apart; previously calculus was developed. I wonder what we will come up with this time around? Another use for lettuce? A creative way to describe why you are staying away from others? And a special celebration of the pandemic with an arcade game where the prize is toilet paper! 

This would be a Kai thing.

And a shout out to teachers!


This video by the University of Hawaiʻi math department explains how Thanksgiving can affect our new case numbers.


And here's a graphic explaining the incubation period and how you can spread it even if you have gotten a negative test result. Please follow the guidelines and wear a mask.

It appears there was an early mutation that allowed a variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to spread more easily than the original virus. It is also a possible reason for areas that did not appear to be as hard hit during the first round of cases, to appear to be hit harder during the second surge in cases. Viruses mutating is a natural and common phenomenon; it happens all the time. So it is to be expected that something like this could happen. This is also why if you have had COVID-19 once, you should not think you are immune from ever getting it again or even in a year or so. There are documented cases of people being reinfected with another strain.

There were 61 new COVID-19 cases today for a total of 17,393 known cases. There were no new deaths so the death toll remains 233. The 7-day average of new cases on Oʻahu is __ with a ___% positivity rate.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Leilani & Jody! Today would have been Dadʻs 96th birthday.

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