Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Cloud Dance

During lunch I was watching the clouds do strange things. On last night's weather report they said  that upper level clouds were moving in the regular tradewind pattern while the lower level clouds were moving up from the southeast bringing Kona weather. And that's exactly what the clouds were doing.
Upper level clouds moved to the left; lower level clouds moved to the right.

During my morning walk I could see LaVie ahead of me on her walk; although I can walk faster than her, she still walks fast enough that I was unable to catch up with her. Down at the park, Dawn, Coco, & Chloe were already there. I wondered if I was late, but Dawn says she comes at different times, depending on the day. Later I realized I don't usually do a morning walk on Tuesdays because Curtis & I usually have breakfast on Tuesdays. I saw another dead invasive: a German roach. I also saw a new cat near Maunalani.
German cockroach (Blattella germanica).
Neighborhood cat.

This morning Dad ate about 25% of his breakfast! According to CNA Lily, he ate most of 2 halves of French toast, a couple pieces of papaya, and a piece of breakfast sausage. Dad didn't go to the Namaste massage this morning, he just wanted to sleep. When I started my mid-morning walk it was overcast; it stayed that way for most of my walk. Down at the park they were doing a bunch of weed-whacking and fire alarm testing so I didn't hang around long; neither did the Kolea.

For lunch Dad & I sat out on the lanai. My tray had Chinese style steamed fish, Brown rice, Stir fry vegetable blend, Garden salad, Almond float, & Chicken noodle soup. Dad had his usual peanut butter & jelly sandwich; I offer him things from the regular lunch tray. As usual, Dad ate nothing solid but drank his supplements.

There was a fire drill today just before lunch; I think it was part of the inspection by the Department of Health. During the drill the elevator is locked so no one uses it. Then it needs to be unlocked so it can be used. I was on the 1st floor when the drill started; changing out of my sweaty rash guard & in to my clean clothes. I got stuck there for about 10 minutes while waiting for things to start running again. Once I got to Dad's room I found that the doors were still not working; all the doors needed to be propped open so the residents could be moved into the dining room.

I took one of the Sukeen cooling towels today and tried it out. I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly, it doesn't seem to get as cool as the literature says it would. But it does make me feel cooler; I'll continue using it.

Since The Roommates are not home I spent an hour walking around the house in the new Hoka One boots. I decided I wouldn't annoy them by walking all over the house in them. I did annoy Shiro though; he moved to another spot because I kept waking him up when I walked by. I only covered about 0.5 miles but I think constantly walking around in them for an hour is a good test; my knees were not sore at the end of the test period. I think I'll keep them.
Not sure why it's showing just one straight line. It should look like the one on 09/15.
I kept annoying him as I walked by.
He moved here but I still annoyed him.

I was looking for something else online and ran across a test to see if you are an introvert. It was rather interesting; I was able to find all the items except in the last test. In fact, in 6 of the 7 other tests I was able to find the object almost immediately after they said what to look for and before they started the timer. The 7th one took me about 6 seconds to find. It says I'm an introvert, which I think I am even though I don't really appear to be one to other people. I don't think I am an ambivert and I am definitely not an extrovert.

There is a weather system that will be moving in to the Central North Pacific in a couple of days. It has a 50% chance of becoming a tropical cyclone in 5 days so the weather people are watching it closely to see what happens with it.

Happy Birthday to Layonti, Naomi, & Lopaka! Happy 14th Anniversary to Rachel & Terrence!

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