Monday, September 3, 2018

Lurline-Matsonia Route

I did the Lurline-Matsonia segment today; I started at the upper parking lot, went around Maunalani Circle, then down to the park, and on the way back up I walked down Matsonia, then up Lurline, and back to the upper parking lot; this route was 1.2 miles long. And I survived! I think it is easier doing it this way, rather than going down Lurline & up Matsonia. And there were no steep surprises on Lurline. Here's what the Lurline-Matsonia segment of my morning walk looked like. Since I'm going to the Big Island tomorrow, I will continue doing this walk when I return in a week.
From Sierra, looking down Matsonia.
From last car in line of cars in previous photo.
From first car on left in previous photo.
From crest of hill in previous photo.
From walkway to house with curved roof in previous photo.
From first car on right in previous photo, looking towards intersection with Lurline.
From intersection with Matsonia, looking uphill along Lurline.
From near red van in previous photo.
From near yellow hydrant in previous photo.
From near orange cone in previous photo.
From near car on left in previous photo.
From near end of yellow truck in previous photo. I think this is the bend I was going around when I was surprised by the bus.
From near red gate in previous photo.
From near intersection with Maunalani Circle.
On Maunalani Circle near bus stop in previous photo, looking towards Sierra Drive intersection.

During my morning walk I saw a bunch of mushrooms in the parking strip along Lurline. Since this was part of the right-of-way, and not in the middle of someone's lawn, I was able to get right up to them and examine them more closely. I was wrong in my earlier long distance identification; it looks like these are a type of Amanita species. What I thought were scales on the cap are actually remnants of the universal veil that is found in Amanita species; there is also a volva at the base of the stem. This genus contains both poisonous species, with names such as Death Cap and Destroying Angel, as well as very sought after edible species; I'm not sure what this one is and which species of Amanita grow here. Never eat a wild picked mushroom if you are not 100% sure what it is.
As seen from the road.
Close-up showing remnants of veil.

Here are photos of some other interesting things I saw along the new Lurline-Matsonia segment of my walk.
Monstera deliciosa, the subject of the painting using negative space.
Another potential painting subject.
Old lava tube visible in road cut.

I started out my walk by picking up some extra weight to carry with me; Art had harvested a bunch of avocados and had a box at the end of his driveway inviting people to take some. I pondered walking back to the car & leaving them there, but ended up just taking them with me on the entire walk.

After breakfast Dad wanted to go upstairs but not to the exercise session. Instead we went to see Popokilani out in the courtyard by the Wellness Center. We watched a brown anole and I realized it ran like how Velociraptor is presumed to have run with its tail held off the ground. While there we could hear a siren in the distance; it kept getting closer. Then it stopped but we heard a large truck coming in to the upper parking lot; it was a fire truck! The firefighters walked in with bags of equipment and went to the 3rd floor wing and were working on a resident. A short while later we heard another siren in the distance, it also stopped and an ambulance drove up. A resident left with the ambulance. Dad was very attentive to all the commotion, he even forgot about his sore okole!
Brown anole (Anolis sagrei).
The firetruck arrives.
Watching the ambulance.

During my morning walk there were 3 Kolea at the park; 1 in the parking lot & 2 down on the field. At my mid-morning walk, I only saw 2 Kolea; 1 was on the fence at the west end of the field & the other was on the roof of the park building; they tend to roost on buildings. I think they were in those spots because there were a lot of people and dogs at the park; its nice to see they have adjusted to humans and not just flown away. While at the park at mid-morning I also met Dawn and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Coco & Chloe. I've seen them before but never stopped until today. I had a great time talking with Dawn & hope to see her, Coco, & Chloe again.
(L to R) Dawn, Coco, & Chloe.

For lunch today it was Beef stir fry, Brown rice, Tossed salad, Lemon meringue pie, and Split pea soup. Obviously that's not split pea soup, not sure exactly what that was, and there is corn even though its not listed on the menu. Dad drank his supplements today, but refused to eat his peanut butter & jelly sandwich until about 2 hours later; he finished it all!
All gone!

After my 1st 2 walks this morning I found the distance covered was 2.22 miles, I am aiming for 3.0 miles a day. In order to reach that daily goal I decided to start my last walk of the day from the upper lot & end at the lower lot. With that small adjustment I ended up doing 2.95 miles today with the addition of the Lurline-Matsonia segment.

When I got home I found another box of plants for The Potential Most Favorite Roommate.

Tonight Curtis & his neighbors got together to celebrate his birthday & Debbie's birthday. Their total age is 119. Anita brought some chocolate that she picked up in Japan; it was excellent! As usual it was a potluck and as usual the food was great! I ate too much!
Crab mandoo!
Clockwise from upper left: broiled tomatoes with Parmesan cheese, tofu salad, whole wheat rolls, mushrooms, steak (2 pans), salmon, banana bread, cake noodles, & regular noodles.
Debbie & Curtis.
Chocolates from Japan.

Happy Birthday to Dean, Sandra, Steve, & Ian!

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