Saturday, September 29, 2018

Hagatna, Guam

We got an interesting piece of mail today. It was from Maite, Guam, to Hagatna, Guam. The return address started with 647 like our address. Then someone mistyped the zipcode on the "Return to Sender" sticker; it was supposed to be 96910 not 96816. I'll be taking the mail back to the post office on Monday.

During my morning walk, a Kolea was up in the parking lot; I didn't see it until it flew off when I walked in. It flew to the top of Peter's house, but then it flew off again some time while I was walking around the field. There were a lot of people on the courts this morning. Dad was eating breakfast in bed when I arrived at his room. He ate half his papaya on his own & drank all his supplements without prompting. He even asked for more of the supplements!

Lunch today was Pork yakisoba, Seasoned broccoli florets, Tossed salad, Fresh pineapple, & Potato chowder. It was an interesting lunch; yakisoba is fried noodles but there were no noodles. It was like just the other things you would throw in to the wok when you are making pork yakisoba. Oh, and there was no broccoli to be found on the tray. The pineapple was good; sweet & tender. Dad ate 1/4 of his half sandwich; which would be 12.5% but they only record by increments of 25% so it goes down as 0%; he drank all his supplements.

For my afternoon walk I usually just go down to the park and back from the lower parking lot; a nice short 0.6 mile walk during the hottest part of my day. But because I slept through my mid-morning walk I did that longer morning route during the afternoon; it was a hot but bearable 1.4 miles. There were 3 Kolea at the park; a lone Kolea in the parking lot that flew up to the roof when I arrived and a pair down on the field. I was able to get a photo of the cluster of Monstera fruit. I also took a photo of an old octopus tree fruit branch; all the fruit had fallen off and it looked sort of like an octopus arm!
Monstera fruit.
Old fruiting branch from octopus tree (Schefflera actinophylla).

My phone does weird things. It says I have 4865 contacts, but when I delete a contact that number doesn't change; it only changes if I add a contact so I really have no idea how many contacts I have in my phone. The birthday app I use says I know the birthdays of 778 of my contacts and I am positive I don't know the birthday of every person in my contacts list; so I have at least 779 contacts. If I wanted to be anal about this I could randomly select 100 contacts, count how many I have birthdays for, do the math & figure out from that subsample approximately how many contacts I really have. If I wanted to be really anal about this I would figure out what sample size would be needed for a 99% confidence interval and examine that number of contacts. I am doing neither.

I am a little concerned that I may have reached my current limit on walking; I am finding myself more tired during the day, which could be a sign of the effects of the fibromyalgia. In fact, today I napped while sitting in a chair through what would have been the time to start my mid-morning walk; I got up about 30 minutes later. For this past week I was supposed to be doing 3.6 miles each day. Due to a variety of things I ended up doing around that amount only on 2 days. On 4 of the other days I did around 3 miles and on 1 day I logged no miles. My weekly average was 3.22 miles per day for the days I walked or 2.76 miles per day over the course of the week. I am scheduled to change my route tomorrow but the distance still remains at 3.6 miles per day; we'll see what happens.

Or perhaps my fatigue is because of being unable to get a good night's rest. The heat has made it difficult for me to sleep at night, even with the fan on and the windows and door wide open. I have also been allowing Shiro to sleep with me to make sure he can stay warm enough; I leave the door open so he can get to the litter box and his food dish. Which also means that Chibi can get in to the bedroom; which means I get up every time someone jumps on or off the bed which happens about 4 to 6 times a night. Auwe! Not only that, but they both like to sleep against me so with their 102 degree F body heat that means it feels even hotter. No wonder I am sleeping so poorly at night!

The Roommates are returning just before midnight tonight. It will be interesting to hear about their adventures on Maui. On a couple of days the news showed shots of flooding on some highways; I checked in with them & they texted back that they were in a different area and were unaffected.

The disturbance I mentioned last night, has gained strength and is now Tropical Storm Walaka with sustained winds of 40 mph. It is about 650 miles south of us, moving westerly at about 15 mph, and expected to not pose any threat to the islands.
At 5 p.m.

Happy Birthday to Amy!

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