Friday, February 1, 2019

Manu-o-Ku Chick Transport

A Manu-o-Ku chick needed a ride to the Zoo this afternoon; it was at Feather & Fur. Alexis called just after I returned from my mid-morning walk; the timing worked out fairly well. I met Elena at the Zoo where she took it to the holding area to keep the other chick company. We also talked about going to dinner on Thursday evening; we're taking her out for Filipino food, which she has never had before.
There were no carriers so the Manu-o-Ku was placed in a box for its ride to the Zoo.

When I got up this morning it was pouring! But I decided to get ready to go for my walk as usual; the ambient temperature was 68 degrees F. As I drove up the hill it slowed down to a drizzle; I saw Barbara & gave her a ride so she didn't have to get too wet or cold. By the time we got to the parking lot it had stopped. It wasn't that breezy but there were no birds in the African Tulip Tree again; maybe they don't like it when the nectar is watered down by the rain?
Twelve minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Five minutes after sunrise on Sierra.
A couple of nuts fell off the coconut tree in the gusty winds.

While I was doing my cool down stretches I heard sirens coming up the hill again. The firetruck came in first, then the ambulance. The firetruck stayed about 15 minutes; I left before the ambulance left. I don't know who they were attending to.

When I got home I prepped 3 more boxes of Hawaiian treats for friends & family in cold places. If mail delivery is not cancelled due to extreme cold weather, they should arrive by Monday. I have 2 more packages to mail, I'll have to get them out next week.

 On my way up for my mid-morning walk I ran in to a traffic jam at the beginning of Sierra; they're doing some road work. One of the contractor's trucks was driving in reverse while another was going forward. The mid-morning walk was sunnier than most of the recent walks; but it was still a pleasant temperature, not too hot or too cold. And not wet at all with a light breeze. I ran in to Mona & Noah; I haven't crossed paths with them for a while.

Apparently with the elevation gain from my mid-morning walk Fitbit says I have climbed the equivalent of 14,000 flights of stairs since I started using the Fitbit! Which means I have earned their Spaceship Badge. I have reached other milestones but never really paid much attention to the badges. This one, however, looked rather intriguing. I had to see what it was about. (My normal route has about a 400 foot elevation gain. Fitbit counts a 10 foot elevation gain at one time as 1 flight of stairs.)

Dinner tonight was Chicken adobo, Steamed rice, Pacific blend vegetables, Baked custard, and Garden vegetable soup.Dad ate all of his egg salad sandwich and a couple bites of his custard pie. He drank all of the Plus and about half of the Breeze.

Because I did the Manu-o-Ku transport, I skipped the afternoon walk. I walked in the evening instead; but it almost didn't happen because of the rain. Today sunset was at 6:21 and civil twilight (when you can still see without artificial light) ended at 6:44. Since I started my walk at 6:54, I was walking during nautical twilight so I needed to use a flashlight also. It was a great walk.
The city just before the end of civil twilight.
The rain started at the end of civil twilight and ended a few minutes later.
Ten minutes past the end of civil twilight.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Allison!

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