Tuesday, February 12, 2019

You ok?

Every so often my friend Anne texts me at a time when we are both able to continue our text conversation as if it were a face-to-face conversation. This morning was one of those times. She started out by asking, "You ok?" She had heard about the cold weather, high winds, and snow that we had here in the state on Sunday. The conversation progressed to her telling me she was at a clinic waiting to find out how badly she banged up her wrist when she fell this morning; she also bruised her butt. As of this writing, her wrist had been splinted for a suspected fracture; there's nothing they can do for her tail bone. She goes to ortho tomorrow to see if they can find out more. I have had suspected fractures before, sometimes on hairline fractures it can't be seen in an x-ray until a few days have passed and sometimes the swelling makes it difficult for them to get a good sense of what's going on so they have to wait a day or so. I asked her if I should bring her some okolehao painkiller! She said, "😆😆😂".
(Selfie by Anne)

It was a bit warmer this morning, 66 degrees F when I parked. So my morning walk started out a little brisk, but as usual I warmed up within about 5 minutes of walking. I only saw Lynnette today, twice; we walk in opposite directions on a similar route.
Eleven minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Five minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

Dad was awake and eating breakfast in bed when I arrived. He had finished about 1/4 of his fried egg sandwich and about half of his Breeze supplement. The kitchen remembered to cut off the crust on his sandwich this morning. Yay!

My mid-morning walk was sunny with a slight breeze. I didn't see any regulars. The temperature was pleasant; I hope it continues this way. However, they are predicting more cooler weather coming; down to mid-50's was the latest I have seen. Check tomorrow's post to see what happened!

Kai IMed me just before lunch; he said things got a little confusing yesterday afternoon when he received a package from Anker containing a PowerCore. He said he initially thought that was amazing service since I had told him that same morning that I was ordering an Anker PowerCore for him! It turns out it was a PowerCore 5000 from his friend Ben; I ordered Kai a PowerCore 26800. What's the difference? The 5000 can provide a charge for 1 day's worth of power for his phone; the 26800 can do that for 6 days and can also charge his tablet for a couple of days and it can do both plus one more item at the same time. I will have to make sure I have my PowerCore 26800 charged up when we are expecting a hurricane or other weather that could affect the power grid. Obviously it is also helpful for going camping or other activities where access to plugging in to the grid is not available, like at the airport waiting area when there are half as many outlets as people needing to charge their electronics! Dear Airport, If you are going to give us free wi-fi, please also provide free power!

Lunch today was Fish nitsuke, Brown rice, Stir fry vegetable blend, Garden salad, Pineapple upside down cake, and Chicken noodle soup. I hate chicken noodle soup! Mom used to make us eat Campbell's chicken noodle soup whenever we were sick so it reminds me of being sick; I don't like being sick!

Dinner tonight was Meatloaf & gravy, Mashed potatoes, Cucumber dill salad, Vanilla pudding, and Chicken & wild rice soup. Dad ate all of his 1/2 egg salad sandwich and half of the vanilla pudding; he drank all 240 ml of his Boost Plus supplement. I always offer Dad food from the tray of food they give me; I thought he might like some of the meatloaf and mashed potatoes but he didn't.

Since he was awake when the food cart was brought to the floor, Dad ate dinner earlier again tonight than he usually does. Which meant I was able to start my walk earlier than I had when he eats at his usual 6 pm time, though I was still walking after civil twilight was done. Near the farthest part of my route I discovered that my green hat was missing! I was carrying it just in case it began to drizzle or rain. I backtracked along the closest block but didn't see it so I decided to finish my walk and drive back along my route. But before I did I decided to walk back along Maunalani Circle; and I found it! I had dropped it near where I stopped to take my photos. When I got back to the car it was 66 degrees F; the same as it was when I arrived just before 7 am, so it will probably be colder tomorrow morning.
Five minutes after the end of civil twilight on Maunalani.
Six minutes before the end of nautical twilight on Sierra.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Dan!

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