Friday, February 8, 2019

Suzette's Garden

While on my mid-morning walk, I saw Suzette at her place. She is renting and the owner is trying to sell so she has been looking for another place nearby to rent. She said she needs a place that allows dogs so Lola can go with her and that has space for her many potted plants. She took me on a tour of the work she has done on the yard over the past 8 years that she's been there and her garden in pots. It's beautiful! The landscaping in the backyard also makes it look like there is no one else across the ravine from her.
There were no plants on the lanai and it was just grass before Suzette arrived.

Suzette shows off her succulents.
This plant will die after it flowers.

There are 4 bromeliads in this hanging.

Also on my midmorning walk I saw an ambulance on Maunalani Circle, though not at the Hale Nohea retirement residence; it was further up the hill from there.

On my way up to do my morning walk I saw Ona & Rio with her Friend Wendy who is visiting from California; they were near the park and headed back down the hill. During my walk I passed Steph while she was making her way up the hill by the park; I passed her again when she was on her way down Lurline.
Eight minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Ten minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

Yesterday I had a photo of the Coprinopsis cinerea in the wood chips of a house on Lurline. Today I did a series of photos to show how the mushrooms disappear as they deliquesce as the day heats up. According to Mushrooms of Hawaiʻi, the mushrooms start sprouting at night, the next morning they begin to deliquesce as the day begins to warm. By the end of the day they are gone!
Coprinopsis cinerea.
About 7:30 a.m.
About 11:15 a.m
About 2:30 p.m.

Besides doing some banking today, I also tracked down the insurance card for the RAV4. I remember putting it in the car but DT was unable to find it; I got another emailed to me by the insurance company. But since the insurance for Kai's Subaru is from the same company, they initially sent me his insurance card. But I got that straightened out and now the insurance card is in the RAV4 and DT can use it this weekend.

I also organized the leftovers shelf again and labelled all the Filipino food leftovers we brought back last night. A couple weeks ago I went through the refrigerator, tossed out a bunch of stuff that was changing color, cleaned off the lowest shelf, and reorganized the refrigerator so all leftovers now get put on the lowest shelf. I am trying to get The Roommates in to the habit of putting the date the item entered the refrigerator on the container so we all know how old it is. Hopefully this will minimize the occurrence of colorful, fuzzy food!

I also threw out a drinking glass; there was a fracture line all along the bottom of the glass. Since it was the only one like it in the house my guess is that this is the last glass from a set the Mom & Dad had when we were kids and it is the last survivor. There was a while when we were growing up where we drank out of jam jars because they were made of thicker glass that was more resistant to our childhood clumsiness.

Dinner tonight was Teriyaki burger, Coleslaw, Lettuce & tomato slice, Lemon bar, Seafood bisque, and Pickle spear. Dad ate all of his 1/2 egg salad sandwich and 1/4 of his lemon bar; he drank 180ml of the Plus vanilla. I made him rinse his mouth out with mouthwash before going to sleep per Brittanyʻs recommendation.

I weighed myself this morning; I skipped last week because the batteries in the WiiFit board were dead. I have gained 1.5 pounds over the last 2 weeks! I am sure the dinner and dessert last night did not help at all. I will have to remember to plan dinners out for Friday or Saturday night so I have the rest of the time to work them off!

I have decided when I do the evening shift I will do my third walk after Dad is asleep. That way I won't be rushing around to get up to Maunalani to do my walk before Curtis leaves at 2 pm. It is also a lot cooler in the evening. And since I have the safety vest and a flashlight it is relatively safe; there seems to be a lot less traffic at night.
Eight minutes before civil twilight on Maunalani.
Six minutes after civil twilight on Sierra.

On my way up Lurline, near the top, I heard sirens again. They came up the hill, I could see the lights reflecting off the wall as the firetruck turned towards Maunalani. Then the siren went silent. I could still hear the ambulance coming up the hill, occasionally chirping its siren as it came up. As I was walking up to my car in the parking lot the ambulance pulled in. I hope it wasnʻt anyone I know that needed their assistance.

The weather is supposed to get bad this weekend. Lots of wind, rain, and high surf is predicted. In fact they are saying surf will get up to 60 foot waves on the north shore by Sunday!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to David & Roxy!

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