Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Laptop Fixed!

Sort of. I spent some time on the phone with Hernan from Apple. He talked me through how to get my laptop in to Safe Mode so I could delete files so I could get my laptop to work again. I will have to continue deleting files or moving files to other storage areas in order to free up storage space on the laptop; he said I am not able to add any more storage to this laptop.  

This is what the "fixed" home screen looks like now.

I also spent time making another batch of soymilk. I started soaking the beans on Saturday night to make the soymilk on Sunday. But I wasn't feeling like working on it on Sunday. Or Monday. So I made it today. It separated; I think the protein breaks down when it soaks this long. When I am boiling the soymilk it also doesn't boil over because the protein film breaks up and doesn't form a skin. It still tastes okay, it just separates when it sits for more than a couple of hours.

Looking normal since it hasn't had time to settle.

While I was making the soymilk, I watched several of the Ask a Mortician videos. The most interesting ones were about the burial of a porpoise and a confederate camel.


I got another email from Marjorie today; I will also be volunteering at the vaccine POD on the 27th. I will be doing data entry again; which is fine with me. I know I can be a big help doing the data entry and I donʻt have to guess what I might be doing for the day. I am also good at data entry.

Kilauea is still erupting. At one point, a week or so ago, there was discussion on whether it was slowing down. Doesn't look like it.

There was a Magnitude 6.6 earthquake in Argentina this afternoon; this is within the Ring of Fire so is not unexpected. Because of the location of the earthquake, messages were sent out to 5 different regions, letting people know that no tsunami was generated by the earthquake.

The Aix weather app forecast a lot of rain both here & in Kapaʻau today. It showed a lot of rain in the morning, getting slightly less as the day went on; there were also flash flood warnings on several islands. It actually did not rain much here. But the graph from the Tesla app showed a much lower insolation than on a sunny day, indicating clouds & rain through much of the day.

There were 65 new cases of COVID-19 reported today, there are now 24,546 known cases. There were 2 new deaths reported, bringing the death toll up to 324; currently there are 2184 cases considered active. The 7-day new case average for Oʻahu is 90 with a positivity rate of 3.1%.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau e Bo & Amy!

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