Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Highway Inn

Since we can't go to Maunalani, we went to lunch instead! We went to the original Highway Inn in Waipahu. We both had the Smoked Meat & Onions; Curtis had his with brown rice and I had mine with poi. Yes, poi is a carb; it totally blew my carb load for today.

Yes, I ate all 64g of this culturally significant carbs.

While we were at lunch, RN Fred called. After some discussion, Maunalani decided to err on the side of safety and asked us to refrain from visiting until April 10th! So basically a month. Curtis & I started making plans to go to the Big Island. I would go for 1 or 2 weeks to get some work done, he would come for a couple of days. He has not been to Kohala since our 1993 family reunion. We talked about visiting friends & relatives and also checking out breakfast & lunch places around the island!

On my drive up this morning I saw Ona & Rio and Steve headed up hill. Later during my sunrise walk I saw all of them on the circle; I also saw them in the distance headed down Sierra ahead of me. I also saw The Runner on the circle, then later headed down Sierra. I also saw Ariel with Rocco & Mei-mei in the distance as they headed down Wilhelmina, then later we passed each other on Sierra as they headed uphill again. A short while later I saw Lynette as she headed up Sierra; then later as she headed down Lurline. I saw Kira getting ready to start her outing with Bean. Towards the top of Lurline I saw Tina with Massimo, Ink, & Chloe Bacon. I skipped my cool down stretches at the covered overlook.
Ten minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Seven minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

On my way back from lunch I stopped and got the car washed. I also had it waxed and the tires treated. Like the Outback I am going to try to do it every month to help reduce the beating the finish takes in the hot sun while I am parked at Maunalani.
In line for the vacuuming station.
The tires being washed.
In line for the hand drying.

When I got home I moved the bromeliads from the back out to the wall by the driveway. In this new location they will only get rain water. I had noticed the center of some of the plants turning red; they are getting ready to send up flowering shoots.
New inflorescence.

Hawaii News Now Sunrise ran a 2nd COVID-19 panel yesterday. I think its great that our Lieutenant Governor is an emergency room doctor; he is able to give a good explanation of what's happening and can advise the Governor on what needs to be done.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Mr. Shinagawa, Melody, Deanna, & Clarissa!

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