Monday, March 16, 2020

New Cat?

It rained towards the end of my walk. A lot. I stopped by Sherry's again to see if the Friendly Tabby had come by for breakfast. Sherry said the strays usually did not come by when it rained and it wasn't there. But I did not go home empty-handed, she gave me 2 avocados from their tree.

When I left the house it was dry even though it had rained earlier; my sunrise walk started out dry. I saw LaVie on the drive up; I later saw her as we passed each other on Sierra. I also saw Jerome from Maunalani drive by. Later, when I was at the bus stop across from Suzette's house she waved.
Twelve minutes before sunrise at home.
Eight minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
One minute after sunrise on Maunalani.
Seventeen minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

During the last half of my walk it began to rain hard like it had before I left the house. On the way up Lurline I tried to take shelter under a tree that had dropped many of its leaves; fortunately that shower lasted only a couple of minutes. Then as I was within a block or so of the parking lot it really started to pour! Even under a tree with a fairly heavy canopy I was getting soaked, so I jogged up to the next tree. It was not any better than the previous tree so I ran to the car.
On Lurline twelve minutes before the end of my walk.
On Maunalani Circle two minutes before the end of my walk.
Near the parking lot entrance one minute before the end of my walk.

As I was checking for more keto recipes I came across a website that helps calculate the macros based on your level of activity as well as how much weight you want to lose. The Carb Manager app I am using shows my macros to be 73g protein, 82g fat, 25g carbs, and 1168 calori3es. The macros for the 0% calorie reduction are close to what I do which has helped me lose around 1 pound a week. Their recommendation is a 20% reduction for optimal weight loss; I think this recommendation is a little extreme.
At a 0% calorie reduction.
At a 20% calorie reduction.

Cleaning the 3rd & 4th shelves were a breeze! Today was rubbish day so last night The Roommates cleaned off the shelves they use the most (#3 and #4). I only had to go through what was left on those shelves to sort through for low carb condiments.
Shelf #3 before I started.
Shelf #3 after.
Shelf # looked pretty much the same before and after.

While I was cleaning out the refrigerator it began to pour again. The cat run was flooding!

Tomiko's friend Grey is headed here. He has been on a boat (not a cruise, just a boat) working on a project. He is now trying to get back in to the US before flights are restricted. He's headed to Hilo since that's where the boat will be headed, but doesn't have a place to stay for a few days. We talked on the phone today about housing on the Big Island while he is there; I think it is going to work out nicely. He needs a quiet place for a few days to write and coordinate supplies for the remainder of their trip; he'll be able to do that in the 1st week before I get there. Our visits will overlap a day or 2 so we can catch up on what's been going on this past decade or so.

About 3 p.m., while I was talking to Grey, I could hear another call was coming in; but since he was calling from Mexico I ignored the other call. It turned out to be Sherry! The Friendly Tabby was there! I rushed up to her house and the cat was still there with Sherry & Suzette. It very easily went in to the carrier I had brought; during the ride back it meowed a little but also settle down and snoozed for a short while. Once I got it in to the utility room it came out of the carrier & started exploring. It accepted wearing a collar immediately and started eating from the Wireless Whiskers feeder, which I have set to the AutoDiet Wizard so it can record how much the cat eats over the next 3 days. It was very relaxed and purred a lot, even when Luna and S'mores were at the door trying to find out who was in the utility room.
3:23 pm, on the way to a new home.
3:55 pm; eating from the Wireless Whiskers automatic feeder.
4:11 pm; full & happy.
6:02 pm; feeling comfortable in the new place.

Luna & S'mores are very interested in finding out who is in the utility room. They have been hanging around the door quite a bit. But unlike when Luna came in to the household, there has been no growling and hissing at the door. I think it is because the new cat is fairly mellow.

On the evening news it was announced that 3 more people have tested positive for COVID-19 and one of them is the 1st known community transmission; we are entering a new phase of the spread of this virus here. The social distancing that the state has been hammering in to people will now become much more important. Hopefully, people have been using the strategies so that the spread is minimized. All total there are 10 known cases; if we have not been heeding the request for social distancing there will be an exponential rise in cases over the next couple of weeks. If we have been good about doing it the curve will be much flatter; I'm hoping for the flatter curve.

During yesterday's press conference, Dr. Anderson from the state department of health said social distancing doesn't mean social isolation; he encouraged people to reach out in other ways than face to face. So I texted some friends & family in various places in the US and around the world, those that I have texted with since I have moved here. It's been interesting to hear how things are going in their respective locations.

A friend in Washington state who is in the health care profession said many family members are working from home, she's checking on elderly neighbors, most libraries are closed but another allows you to pick up books on hold after putting on gloves and a mask, and the commute traffic is amazing! Another friend said it was "weird to be in the 'older, more vulnerable' category! When did that happen?" And another found that Amazon is now delivering food to food stamp holders. And CJ is practicing social distancing by taking walks on the beach!
(Photo by CJ)

A friend in California has just finished self quarantine because she had a cold. The nearby counties are requiring people to shelter in place and they are now working from home until at least April. They've got enough people & pet food for the duration but they are "already feeling stir crazy."

My friends who have been traveling around the country are in Arizona and staying safe at the Grand Canyon.
(Photo by Monava)

My niece in Pennsylvania is in voluntary quarantine to help "flatten the curve." Currently the county she lives in has no cases but there are some cases so the governor has mandated that all non-essential businesses close.

My friend in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is still snowed in so social distancing has been enforced by Nature! She is so looking forward to spring.

My friend in New Hampshire says there are just a few cases there but all restaurants, bars, and schools have been required to close. Since she works at 2 restaurants that will be impacting her; she says she's lucky that, "right now I'm living at home rent free."

I still haven't heard from my friend in Spain yet and hope that he is staying healthy.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Kip!

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