Sunday, December 23, 2018

Aunty Judy Comes to Visit

Curtis picked Aunty Judy up on his way to Maunalani this afternoon; she lives one freeway exit away from him. I gave her a ride back home; we thought it would be better for her to get to Maunalani & back home again if we drove. Aunty Judy talked to Dad when he woke up. She asked him if he knew who she was, he said, "One of the sisters." Aunty Judy is Momʻs youngest sister. She brought a letter for Dad from her granddaughter Eden.

I picked Barbara up at the bus stop this morning; she was talking to Lorraine. Later, during my morning walk, I ran in to Steph on Maunalani Circle; I went down with her to Sierra. We continued down Sierra (my route) instead of going down Lurline (her route); we saw Lorraine on her way up Sierra. I gave Lorraine a printed copy of the stormwater map that shows where she lives; I gave the same map to Steph yesterday when I saw her. Steph was telling us about the Willows buffet lunch that she and her family went to yesterday for the holidays; she had lots of crab legs and some prime rib. She said the Willows is closing at the end of the year; its been around since 1944. Aunty Judy & Uncle Art lived next to the Willows when they were first married.
Sunrise on Maunalani.
From Sierra.

I found a flattened bird this morning; based on the color of the parts that were left, its size, and what it had been eating it looks like it was a Spotted Dove. Yes, I know, thereʻs not much there for an ID; the predator walked off with most of the body. When its your job to identify things, you do your best to figure it out; and you make sure your assumptions are known so others can correct you if you made an incorrect assumption (which would then lead you to an incorrect conclusion).
Spotted Dove (Spilopelia chinensis).

Popokilani frequently waits by the front door. She is on a diet so she tries to finagle food out of anyone who comes by.

The dove was almost completely gone when I passed by it during my mid-morning walk. The wing feathers were very scattered; if I had not seen it earlier I might not know that the feathers I was seeing were all from the same bird.

As I was getting ready to go on my mid-morning walk I heard sirens in the distance; they slowly got louder. And Louder. And LOUDER. They showed up at Maunalani; they went to see someone on the 3rd floor.

On my mid-morning walk I also met Raymond and his white dogs, Koa & Kuma, I think they are huskies, I will have to ask him next time I see him. Koa has light brown eyes and Kuma has pale blue eyes.

Lunch today was Roast beef, Mashed potatoes, Steamed green beans, tossed salad, Blndie, and New England clam chowder. Dad at all of his peanut butter & jelly sandwich by himself, he also ate none of his blondie, and drank half of his supplements.

During my afternoon walk, Kelly drove by and waved. He was the only regular I saw.

The Christmas tree was up! But not decorated. The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes cross tied the tree so that Sʻmores couldn't knock it over if she tries to climb it.

I gave Aunty Judy a ride home. On the way back I ran a couple of errands; one was to pick up the drip irrigation system for the hāpuʻu. I found a type of emitter that is bendable; I plan on wrapping it around the base of a frond to keep the water dripping on the top of the trunk.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Jody & Mariangela!

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