Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve

It was misting lightly during my morning walk. It was so light I couldn't feel it on my skin but I could hear it hitting my hat. It stayed that way through out my walk. I only saw Suzette but even she wasn't walking this morning; she had just pulled out of her garage in her car. I checked on the ditch and found some water flowing in it; I really want to see what it looks like when it is raining hard.
Sunrise on Maunalani Circle.
Morning on Sierra Drive.

As I was starting my walk, I looked up ahead and saw another bird in the road, almost exactly where the Spotted Dove was yesterday.
It actually was a breadfruit leaf; the close-up I took of it didn't come out.

Dad was asleep in bed with his breakfast in front of him. He ate a bite each of his eggs and papaya. Usually he drinks all his supplements but not this morning; he only drank about 1/4 of them.

I met Mrs. Keliikipi's grandson, George, today. He said that his grandfather was from the Big Island and had 10 siblings. It turns out the Keliikipi that Grandma & Grandpa lived nearby in Halawa Camp was one of them! Small world!

Dad wanted to go and listen to the Christmas carols, so I dropped him off in the Castle Living Room on my way to my walk. The weather was much nicer during my mid-morning walk; no precip, some sun, and a light breeze.

For lunch today we sat out on the lānaʻi with Mr. Yamada and his daughter Shirley & son-in-law Guy. They usually come every Sunday along with her mother (who wasn't here today because she is visiting on the mainland for the holidays) and bring Mr. Yamada's favorite foods that they don't serve at Maunalani. Like bologna, Ritz crackers, & Cheetos. Maunalani's lunch today was Baked furikake mahimahi, Wild rice pilaf, Steamed edamame, Tossed salad, Strawberry cloud cake, and Tomato basil soup. Dad ate none of his peanut butter & jelly sandwich and just one bite of the dessert; he didn't feel like trying any of the things Shirley brought which also included egg salad, deviled ham, fried egg, & jello. I also offered him one of the oatmeal raisin cookies that Mrs. Iseri gave me to give to him; he tried it but said it was too hard to chew.
The spread that Shirley brought for Mr. Yamada.
L to R: me, Dad, Shirley, & Mr. Yamada. (Photo by Guy)
The Maunalani lunch.

Sad news, Kristie's father passed away this morning. He had arrived at Maunalani in September and I met Kristie shortly after that; she and I would arrive in the parking lot at about the same time. We would frequently talk during the day; I shall miss her cheerful smile.

I skipped my afternoon walk; I needed to bake tonight for Christmas dinner. Itʻs my usual whole wheat dinner rolls and gluten free chocolate chip cookies. I start with the rolls then switch to working on the cookies while the dough is going through the 2 rises it needs. I also needed to go to the grocery store to pick up crescent rolls and a block of Parmesan cheese for the special appetizer I will be making tomorrow.
The rolls are on their 2nd rise, cookies are ready to be put on the cookie sheets.
Cookies are baked and cooling; rolls still need about 20 more minutes to rise.
Finished rolls; they will be reheated tomorrow just before serving.

I had an alliterative dinner tonight: poke and pizza. Yes, that's right, poke and pizza. I went to Times, they have a lot of different types of poke, I had to walk past it to get the things I needed, therefore, I had to get some poke. End of story.
L to R: poke, pizza.

There was a box waiting by the back door when I got home. It was from the Ikaika ʻohana. I put the ornaments on the tree and the gift under the tree; now there are 2 there!
The postal carrier hid the box by the plastic can.
Goodies from the Ikaika 'ohana. The bag says, "Only while sleeping one makes no mistakes."

I also put the mushroom ornaments on the tree; Suzanne says they are one of Ikea's Christmas themes. The mushrooms are Amanita muscaria which is found in Hawai'i as well as in many other parts of the world. They are poisonous as well as hallucinogenic. It is believed to be the reason why people think reindeer fly and is also believed to be related to the creation of the Santa Claus myth. This is probably why Ikea has it as one of their Christmas themes.
The Roommates are spending the night elsewhere & took their presents with them to open on Christmas morning.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Vernon!

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