Monday, December 17, 2018

He Said Yes!

While I was doing my morning walk, Kelly pulled up in his truck. He said, yes, he will remove the invasive Australian tree fern and replace it with the hāpuʻu! I hope he did not feel pressured to do it because the hāpuʻu is sitting in his driveway; that was not my intent, Warren just made too good of an offer for me to pass up.

I was a little late starting my morning walk; I was distracted by a flattened grasshopper near my car when I parked. I think it is a Two-Striped Grasshopper (Melanoplus bivittatus). Later during my walk I saw Steph & Lorraine, we are planning on getting together after the holidays.
Itʻs body is about 2 inches long.
I opened up its wing covers and spread one of its wings out to look for markings.
Sunrise on Maunalani.
From Sierra.

Dad was asleep with his breakfast in front of him when I arrived at Maunalani. He didn't eat a thing and hardly touched his supplements.

During my mid-morning walk I stopped to leave a note for Kelly, he wanted to know how often to water the hāpuʻu and whether he should move it some place else. In its current location the hāpuʻu  gets similar sun exposure to what it will get when it is planted; I told him daily watering. If he moves it to the south end of the garage and puts the hāpuʻu by the hedge at the property line it will get less direct sun so watering every other day should suffice. While I was there I spent a few minutes throwing the frisbee for Abby.

Abby fetching the frisbee in her front yard.

Lunch today was Chicken in alfredo sauce, Spaghetti noodles, Mixed veggies, Tossed salad, Orange pound cake, and Minestrone soup. Dad ate one bite each of his peanut butter & jelly sandwich and about 3/4 of the pound cake.

During my afternoon walk I checked up on the ditch again. It is damp but not flowing, at least not from the upper areas in to this area, though it looks like there may be some groundwater seeping in to the ditch at the point where I am viewing it and flowing, albeit slowly, downstream from this area.

Chibi is once again being annoyed by S'mores. And S'mores still doesn't understand why Chibi is annoyed. I did notice that Chibi is no longer sleeping in S'mores' bed.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to BJ!

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