Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Mele Kalikimaka!

Our celebration this year was at Curtis & Lori's house. We had roast, pork chops, tofu salad, shrimp, whole wheat rolls,macaroni salad, and sushi. For dessert we had blueberry cheesecake, jello pie, sugar cookies, and gluten-free chocolate chip cookies.

Besides whole wheat dinner rolls & gluten free chocolate chips, I also made a Pesto-Parmesan Christmas Tree appetizer. It was fun to make! And much easier than the cream cheese stuffed trees I made a few years ago. I skipped my afternoon walk & went home in order to have more time to make the Christmas tree. It was a good thing I made it, since the roast went about 2 hours longer than anticipated.

After dinner Brent tried making a gingerbread house. But it fell apart on him, so he just started eating the walls.

The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes tried to text me a Hawaiian Christmas greeting this morning. But apparently his phone autocorrected to "Make Kalikimaka". Which is a very different meaning, it would be what a Hawaiian Grinch would say. Make means dead.

During my morning walk it was very peaceful; I just saw 2 bikers, 2 people walking their dogs, another walker, and a jogger. One of the dog walkers was a regular. No flattened fauna today.

Dad was asleep at breakfast in bed. He had only finished about half of the Boost Plus. By the time mid-morning came around he had also finished half of the Boost Breeze. Because he is doing well on his weight and also eating some of his sandwich every so often we are not as adamant abut him finishing 100% of the supplements.

It was misting during the 1st 10 minutes or so of my mid-morning walk, then it stopped. It started up again about half an hour later but stopped after a few minutes. Overall it was pleasant and not overly hot.

When I got back from walking, Dad was in his wheelchair, sitting in the Orchid Dining Room. He wanted to go upstairs to see Popokilani, but it was drizzling on and off. On our way back in we saw Santa Claus taking photos with the residents.

Lunch today was Steak & shrimp, Baby carrots, Roasted red potato, Cranberries spring salad mix, Raspberry cheesecake, and Potato chowder. Earlier today Glen from the kitchen said since it was Christmas he was going to bring Dad the regular lunch instead of his peanut butter & jelly sandwich. It was a nice gesture but wasted on Dad; he can't chew the steak, thought the shrimp tasted bad, and didn't want the dessert.

Shirley & Guy came to have lunch with Mr. Yamada today, too. They invited us to join them again but Dad wanted to get back in bed so we passed on it. They brought a bunch of Christmas presents for Mr. Yamada also. One of them was a Shutterfly photo album that Shirley put together of his time in the military; he was stationed in Germany where he met Mrs. Yamada. They were married on base there and Shirley was born there.

As I was leaving I was able to get a photo of the 2nd floor staff.
L to R, front row: JP, Liz, Chivas, Frances, & Ashleigh; back row: Elizabeth, Sharmaine, Charlie, & Joenena.

S'mores got a couple of new toys for Christmas. Chibi got a day without Sʻmores!

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Lorna, Alvin, & Doug!

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