Thursday, January 3, 2019

Who Were Those Guys?

While I was driving up I saw a bunch of guys walking and jogging up Wilhelmina Rise. I'm not exactly sure where they are from but they all had the same outfit on; I was thinking maybe they were from the fire station, but that would mean no one was watching the station. They ran up to the top of Wilhelmina Rise, then started back down again. During my walk I saw them as they were headed back down.

I love the morning walk! It is cooler, quieter, and calmer than the mid-morning and afternoon walks. It's also much easier to see the screen for data entry; I am becoming more proficient at entering the 4-letter bird codes. The Checklist-a-day Challenge is already improving my bird identification skills, at least with the species that are common here on Maunalani; I am also becoming better at identifying their calls. I saw a friendly cat along the way; I took a photo in case I see that guy who lost his cat on New Year's Eve, though what he described seemed like it had much less white.
Nine minutes before sunrise.
Sunrise from Sierra Drive.

As usual, Dad was eating in bed this morning. Today they got his breakfast order right; he had scrambled eggs but they were out of apple bananas. He ate about 25% and drank all of his supplements.

Unlike my morning walk, the mid-morning walk was intermittently drizzling; it was also gusty. I didn't see the cat on this walk. Or the runners.

I talked to Greg from Aikane this morning; they are working on the bamboo removal & relocation today. He also wanted to find out about taking out a sapling near the north fence so they can get a small tractor back there to work on the grass removal and replenishing the mulch in the anthurium bed. He's sending me a photo since I'm not sure what plant he's talking about.

Lunch today was Meat jun, Steamed rice, Steamed corn, Tossed salad, Brownie, and Chicken jook. Dad ate all of his peanut butter & jelly sandwich and most of his brownie by himself!

I was supposed to pick Kellie up from the airport around 8 tonight but got a call after lunch; Uncle Tom's test results came back okay. He was discharged from the hospital this afternoon! Aunty Doris & Uncle Tom flew back to Hilo in the evening and Kellie met them at the airport. Kellie & I made tentative plans to get together in April when she is visiting again and I will be on the Big Island to check on the solar panel installation.

While standing at the 2nd floor landing after talking with Aunty Doris I saw a bunch of smoke that looked like it was from a fire down at the park! It turns out it was a fire in Pālolo Valley, the smoke blew over to where we were.

The afternoon walk was also overcast and gusty. Some time after lunch they removed the portable toilet that was by the bus stop; thatʻs the one that they tied down in preparation for Hurricane Lane. I took a closer look at the ivy gourd vine; Iʻm pretty sure part of its name comes from the resemblance of the leaf to an ivy leaf.

I went to Petco again this evening; Chibi liked the Weruva Polynesian BBQ with Grilled Red Bigeye canned cat food that I got yesterday. I went back to get some more since it is on sale at 50 cents a can; the next cheapest I found was at 85 cents a can. I got all that was left on the shelf, 23 cans; just 1 can shy of a case.

I picked up some salad on the way back. I ate the whole thing again. Each serving has 130 calories, so I had 390 calories from that bag of salad.

I did not notice that the daifuku label also included the number of calories. Is this a new thing?

S'mores and Luna are becoming better acquainted with each other. They are playing under the door with each other.

I let Chibi sleep in my room to get away from the other cats.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Marilyn, Marilene, & Cristien!

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