Monday, April 8, 2019

Almost Back to Normal

I did the morning walk today. I was able to get up on time; actually my usual process is to wake up about 10 minutes before the Fitbit alarm goes off and I was able to do that so I thought I was back to normal. But the walk itself showed that I still have a little more recuperating to do; I was a little winded coming up the hill. I saw Lynette twice during my walk; during my cool down stretches I also saw Ken twice. I saw Lorraine pass by once going up the circle; the next time I saw her she was walking back down with Steph. As I left I passed Steph & Lorraine on the road so I stopped to say Hi!
Thirteen minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Four minutes after sunrise on Sierra.
I really love walking around in this light!

The hāpuʻu is doing great! The 2nd frond is now 18&3/4"; since it is now partially unfurled & no longer a tight coil I will be using the point where the lowest leaflet intersects with the main stem as my measuring point. The 3rd frond is also growing well; its about 11" tall. And I can see a 4th one starting to enlarge. I think I need to reset the upper emitter to cover a larger area to give the new fronds more moisture.

I skipped the mid-morning walk since I had to take the Subaru in for servicing; the key was getting stuck in the ignition about half the time. I spent about 2 hours at the Subaru service department while they did diagnostics and fixed the problem. Apparently there was a Technical Service Bulletin about the need to replace the select lever assembly of the shifter. Since the car is still under warranty there was no charge for replacing the shifter assembly.

I went to the credit union to make a deposit & also ask about the new title since I have completed payments; they will send me a new title in a couple of weeks. I also went to Longs to see if they had any UltraSoy milk; couldn't find any soy milk products at all so I went downstairs to Times. They had several varieties of soy milk, but the UltraSoy was on sale so there was only 1 left. I got it and several other types that had high protein (7g or 8g) though not as high as the UltraSoy (10g).

When I turned around to leave the soy milk aisle I saw that they had Swerve on the opposite shelf! Michael had said he could not find it in stores near him; he had to get it on-line. I texted him; he said the price was high. He gets it from Amazon at around $0.30 an ounce.

I had forgotten to hang the laundry out before I took the Subaru in to the service department, so after picking papayas, I hung out the laundry. I got 8 papayas today; I could have gotten a couple more but I decided to leave them on the tree for a few more days. All total since I started harvesting papayas on March 15th this year I have picked 48 papayas; an average of 8.4 papayas per week. I took 2 to Curtis and Lois came by later in the evening to pick up a couple of papayas; there are still 4 left. May be The Potential Most Favorite Roommate's co-worker will want more papayas.

I also skipped the afternoon walk. I decided to take it easy on starting back up with the walking. I did one walk today, I till do 2 walks tomorrow, and get back to my normal 3 walks on Wednesday. By the way, I am using my new Hoka One Ones and my knees are not sore, so it was the worn shoes that was causing my knees to be sore.

I forgot to pick up a menu when I went in today so I don't know exactly what was for dinner but here's what it looked like.

I left Maunalani to go to H & R Block to sign paperwork for Dad's & my income tax returns. Dad is having to pay $707 in Federal taxes and $68 in State taxes. I am getting a $1081 Federal refund and $55 State refund. I don't mind paying someone else to do the tax forms, especially with all of the investment stuff that Mom set up for Dad and all my investment stuff that Harold is doing for me.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Steve!

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