Sunday, April 14, 2019

Almost Done

They did a lot of painting today. Jerry from Kolona was here a little after 7; I made it home just before he got here. Noah & Earl showed up a short time later. They stayed until almost 5. There's some trim work still to be done tomorrow.
Jerry primed the garage door and entry way.
The upper part of the entry needs one more coat.
The front door needs a bit more work.
The window frames past the sliding door need to be painted.

S'mores was really interested in watching the painters this morning. She was crawling around near the dining room window to get a better look at them.   

In order for them to finish painting the front door they need to open it up. In order to open it up we had to move some of the things in the living room that we had moved in from the garage. Since the wall the cabinets were on was finished Jerry said it was okay for us to move them back in to the garage, so we did.
Moving things back in to the garage.
Front door clear!

It was really windy during my morning walk. I have found that when it is really windy the birds tend to stay under cover and don't sing much; today was no exception. All the regulars seemed to be staying under cover also; I didn't see anyone today. But I did see that the leaflets on the hāpuʻu are starting to open up.
Sixteen minutes before sunrise at Maunalani.
One minute after sunrise on Sierra.

I had one of the papayas this morning; it was one of the smaller ones. It had just a few seeds, which is why it was smaller. But that's okay; it would take me 3 or 4 days to eat one of the other ones.

My project for today was organizing the plastic in the house, starting with the dining room. There was a somewhat organized pile of plastic against the window; I also found plastic food containers hidden behind things and in things.
This is from last December but this is similar to what it looked like this morning.
During the clean up; audio equipment near window has been moved.
A box of containers that were found on the floor.
The contents of the convection oven; the plastic containers had started to discolor. 
Sorting the plastic.
I stopped here today; the boxes are just here temporarily.

I set up bags for recycling, throwing out non-recyclable items, and a bag of containers for leftovers for each of the cars. It will help us prevent more containers from coming in to the house if we take our own containers for leftovers.

I found a bunch of small kitchen appliances. About a month ago one of the roommates asked if there was a toaster oven, I said no. I found one today! Along with a whole bunch of other small appliances. And a basket of cords.
The toaster oven is hiding on the bottom shelf of the cart in the dining room.
This one is pretty much out in the open but I couldn't find the instruction manual. Nothing on line either.
I found the manual for this one!
I found this manual in the convection oven but I haven't found the Jet-Stream Oven yet.
Cord anyone?

After we moved things out to the garage and cleared the front door, we moved the cars back in to the garage. This is sort of our evening ritual. DT parks his car in the garage and I park in front of him in the driveway since I leave earlier in the morning. Usually the RAV4 is also parked in the garage, but last weekend DT took it to Curtis' house so it would be out of the way. And usually The Potential Most Favorite Roommate parks in front of the RAV4 since he has the least predictable work schedule.
DT backing in to the garage.
My car in its normal parking spot.

I defrosted a piece of frozen coho salmon that I picked up at Don Quijote. The Applegate, Aidell's, and Field Roast sausage packages come with 4 sausages each; so if I have a piece of salmon between each package that's about 1 serving of salmon once a week with my salad dinners. Sounds like a healthy and low carb option to me!
My dinner; I left the chips out of my dinner to reduce my carb load.

I figured out another way to reduce my carb intake. Since I am lactose intolerant I drink soy milk, I found that  Pacific Foods Ultra Soy has the highest amount of protein with 10g per 1 cup serving. Now that I am watching my carbs I found that it also has 13g of carbs, about 1/4 of the maximum amount of carbs I should be eating for a ketogenic diet. I discovered today that Westsoy's Unsweetened Plain Soymilk has 9g protein with only 4g carbs; I think its because it has no added sugar. If I use unsweetened soymilk and sweeten it with either monk fruit or stevia sweetener then I can reduce my carbs but still have a high level of protein. Winner! One of the things I also discovered is that all brands of soymilk do not have the same amount of protein, it can be as low as 4g! So read the label if its important to you.
L: Ultra Soy with 13g carbs & 10g protein; R: Unsweetened Westsoy soymilk with 4g carbs & 9g protein.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Lois, Brenda, David, & Maia!

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