Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Fever Math

I posted yesterday that I couldn't finish filling all the water containers because the bleach had expired. I was incorrect; it had not expired. Not exactly sure why I thought that we were more than 1 year past 11/01/2017. It was the fever! That's my story & I'm sticking to it! What happens when you use old bleach? It doesn't "bleach"; chlorine bleach breaks down into water & salt. So if you've been using bleach to disinfect things, better check to make sure its still providing the effectiveness you need.
This is the "old" bottle of bleach; that's its production date.
This is the "new" bottle of bleach; as noted above, it expires 1 year after the production date.
Helpful Hint: Change in to a shirt you don't mind ruining with bleach spots, not a nice blue shirt like mine.
Use a white shirt like this so you can't really see the spot where the bleach splashed on it.

Because of that low grade fever yesterday I decided I had better stay away from Dad & the other residents at least another 24 hours; my nose was very runny today. I did the morning walk at Maunalani and met Laurie & her 3 ShiTzus; this is probably the only time I will see her as she will soon be moving to Maui.

I published last night's post before I had dinner so you missed out on seeing the Pork & Watercress Soup that I had for dinner courtesy of Dylan & Briy. I also had matcha ice cream with pistachios & very dark chocolate shavings. Here's what you missed.
Pork & Watercress Soup from Dylan & Briy.
Matcha ice cream with pistachios & extra dark chocolate shavings. Don't really know why Mom had a Microplane, she was not much of a cook.

I did eventually finish filling all the water containers we had available; it took about 7 hours to do 14 gallons. Why so long? Because I put filtered water into the containers and it takes about 30 minutes to filter a gallon of water. We now have 12 gallons of drinking water and 11 gallons of water that is mainly for washing but can be used for drinking if we run out of the other water; its in plastic milk jugs & will take on the flavor of the jugs after a while. For the humans in our household we need 42 gallons of water with another 7 for the cats for a total of 49 gallons. We have less than half of that right now. I'll be collecting more containers as we go along our daily routine & filling them as we get them. If we should actually be in line for a direct hit from a hurricane we won't have to get as much additional water since we have half of what we need right now. What about food? We are fully covered on that!
The potable water; each bottle holds 96 ounces.
Water for washing; may be used as potable as a last resort since 1 gallon milk jugs change the taste of the water if kept for too long.

As for Hurricane Hector, it passed south of  Hawai'i Island causing no problems. It is still south of the state & expected to continue going west. They'll keep an eye on it though to make sure it does not make a right turn & start moving north and hitting one of the other islands.
Here's a look at the latest forecast track for Hurricane Hector. (Image: Central Pacific Hurricane Center)

I finished listening to Death Masks today while filling up the water containers; it takes about 5 minutes for each fill up of the filter pitcher to be processed. Death Masks was about demons. I listened to the short story Vinette tonight. I will be starting on Blood Rites tomorrow.
(From Dresden Files)

Happy Birthday to Paul, Leigh, Nora, & Dominique! And Happy 10th Anniversary to Bick & Ron!

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