Saturday, August 25, 2018

In the Clear

At the 8 a.m. forecast this morning, Tropical Storm Lane was about 115 miles southwesterly of Honolulu and was continuing northwesterly. It was predicted to miss all the main islands.

Last night I told Dad that I would stay at Maunalani; I would be sleeping in the Orchid Dining Room again. The previous night; it had cleared out about 9 p.m. Last night it was still occupied till after 10 p.m. Mr. Gephardt was first watching football, then was later watching reality law enforcement shows. No one came to take him to bed, even though they usually did by 9 pm. It turns out the commotion a couple hours earlier was because his roommate, Mr. Chau, had died; they were waiting for his family & hospice to arrive to make his final arrangements and let Mr. Gephardt watch TV for as long as he wanted, so he would not be in the room as they removed Mr. Chau. The hospice nurse & Mr. Chau's family arrived about 15 minutes before I left.

I was not feeling so hot when I left; my throat was a little scratchy & I had a little cough starting. Since The Roommate Who Likes to Wash Dishes had come down with a sore throat & cough on Wednesday and The Potential Most Favorite Roommate had the same thing develop on Thursday, I decided perhaps I should go home since there were no big winds to upset Dad; so I did. This morning I woke up with a very sore throat (which responded well to a salt water gargle) and an intermittent cough. I skipped all the walks today so I could concentrate my energy on getting over this faster since Curtis will be in Las Vegas for the next week.

Later in the evening Tropical Storm Lane had moved further westerly and was about 180 miles southerly of Kaua'i. Winds have decreased to 50 mph as Lane continues to move westerly. It looks like we're in the clear. There are no other storms in the Central or Eastern North Pacific at this time; though there is a 90% chance of one forming from a current disturbance in the Eastern North Pacific within the next 5 days. (Systems forming in the Eastern North Pacific, such as Lane, frequently cross in to the Central North Pacific & head towards Hawai'i. When systems forming in the Eastern North Pacific reach tropical storm speeds they are given English or Latino names, those that formed in the Central North Pacific are given Hawaiian names. Prior to reaching tropical storm speeds they are given alphanumeric identifiers.)

I spent the day either napping or listening to a Harry Dresden audiobook, White Night, while doing laundry & sorting photos of Dad for a slide show.

Happy Birthday to Curtis! Also Happy Birthday to Penny & Corinna!

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