Monday, December 30, 2019

Rob & Lily

During my mid-morning walk I saw Rob & Lily down at the park. Rob was bouncing the giant ball, tossing it up the slope to the parking lot, and having Lily follow along. Sometimes she would interact with it. Later they passed me on Lurline as they were on their way back home. They were the only regulars I saw during my mid-morning walk.
Rob & Lilly playing with the ball; there was so much glare I'm surprised I got even this photo!

On the drive up this morning I saw no regulars. During my walk I saw Ona & Rio on the circle; they were almost finished with that lap. Down by the park I saw Lorraine; then I saw her again on Lurline. As I was making my way up Lurline, Wendy drove by. Towards the top of Lurline I passed Leslie & Ipo, who wanted to get back home and kept pulling on her lead while Leslie & I talked! Later I caught up with Ken as he walked Toto & Chico by the parking lot. I saw Mike & Marley twice during my cool down stretches; once starting, once ending. I also saw Popokilani, she was relaxing on the ramp up to physical therapy.
Twenty-six minutes before sunrise on Waiʻalae.
Fifteen minutes before sunrise on Maunalani.
Three minutes after sunrise on Sierra.

Dad was eating breakfast in bed when I arrived. He finished half his fried egg sandwich and all of his papaya and banana.

Lunch today was Baked fish (0g) & dill sauce (2g), Rice pilaf, Green beans with bacon (4g), Garden salad (3g), and Broccoli cheese soup (7g)

In the afternoon. Kai came up with Curtis to visit Dad. It was a shorter visit than usual; Dad did not recognize him. Dad didn't feel like starting a conversation and Kai is not good at making small talk that doesn't involve computers.

I finally got the dining room set up for New Years dinner. As soon as the table was cleared Luna jumped up on it! Aue! I had to put empty boxes and other things near the edge to keep her off of it. Kai & I still need to work on the family room to make that presentable.
The table cloth is now the only thing on the table.
The cat excluders.

On Sunday The Roommates had reorganized the middle room and cleared out the living room so that we can set up tables there.

Another thing I noticed about The Book of Eli, the movie I watched last night with Kai, was that although for the most part the action takes place in the desert neither of the protagonists wears a hat and they don't sweat either. There's one other thing I noticed but if I mention that it will spoil the movie for those of you who are interested in seeing it.

Hauʻoli lā Hānau to Bria!

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